"Get him out of here. I have to finish this before Thorin gets here." Amara said and ran to get to Raven's Peak

Dwalin could only watch as he lifted his Prince and ran down the mountain. Thorin fought back to back with his cousin but he knew that he needed to get to Bolg. He now made his way to Raven's Peak.

When Thorin arrived, he found Amara and Bolg battling. Bolg would swing and Amara would duck until finally their battle was close to the edge where everyone could see. Something made it so that all Thorin could do was watch. Amara leapt into the air over Bolg and slashed across his back making him roar in pain. Amara landed and kicked out his leg from under him before cutting off his arm when he tried to stab her. Amara swung one last time and off came Bolg's head. Amara then crashed to her knees as all all of her stitches came undone and bled openly. The battle was coming to an end. The battle below had ceased and all the orc stragglers were caught and killed. Thorin ran to Amara's side as she grabbed Bolg's head and went to crawl down the mountain.

"Its over now. The House of Durin still stands." Amara said just as she blacked out from blood loss

Thorin caught her and rushed down the mountain to the others. Elves and other healers were all over helping the wounded. Thorin carrying an unconscious Amara worried everyone. Lord Elrond took her. Balin came up to Thorin with a report hours later, bandaged up but walking.

"There were no casualties among the Company thank Mahal. Dain has lost a few good dwarves but many will heal with time. Any word on the lass?" Balin informed

"Not yet. The elf hasn't come back out since they took her in hours ago. How is Kili after Fili?" Thorin said

"Fili is alive, Thorin." Balin said in confusion making Thorin turn to him in shock

"What?" Thorin said "He was thrown off the cliff."

"Amara caught him, healed him, and had Dwalin bring him down to the tents." Balin informed Thorin

An elf came out of the healers tent and came to Thorin.

"Lady Amara has extensive injuries but they have her stable now. It is a long road ahead and she will not wake for few weeks. Lord Elrond has put her into a healing coma." The elf informed Thorin before going back into the tent

Thorin took a moment for that to sink in and decided to go check on everyone. Thorin met with Kili and Fili who would not be parted. His nephews that he once feared were dead were now sitting in front of him. Bilbo was helping the elves make ointments and healing concoctions with Oin helping heal dwarves. They were alive and it was miracle in and of itself. The mountain was back in the hands of the dwarves. The dragon was gone as well as the orcs. The world suddenly seemed a little bit brighter. Over the period of weeks, the dwarves began to rebuild the kingdom. Thorin decided to wait for Amara to wake up to return the Arkenstone to the mountain. Dain and his men stayed to help Thorin against the word of his advisors. They would be staying the winter as well as supplying the mountain with provisions. The people of the former Lake Town were also moved into the mountain for the winter as well as long as they work for their room and board. Bilbo enjoyed watching the mountain come to life. He knew Amara would enjoy the fact that three forces of life all worked and lived together, for the most part, peacefully. Elves travelled to and from easily in the less wintery months as well as traded with the dwarves even going so far as to arrange trade from Bree to Rivendell and from Rivendell to the Mountain. Lord Elrond would heal Amara as much as possible to the point where he could leave his daughter, Arwen, in his stead so that he may return to Rivendell. Bilbo was in charge of the gardens of the Mountain. He found a spot deep in the mountain that was incredibly warm and was perfect climate to grow vegetables. All it needed was sunlight. Bilbo pulled out a book that Amara had given him long ago and showed it to the dwarves. Bilbo had promised to not open it until the end of their adventure. He explained how Amara would get visions and how she used them to guide them through out their journey. The book had plans drawn out for many things such sun roofs, where sunlight could penetrate but not the elements. She had different inventions that were simple and could easily help them throughout this winter. Amara had written out plan that could filter out snow and melt it and boil it so that it was drinkable. There was ways to use wind to make it easier to breathe in the mines. Today, the Company and the people living in the Mountain were holding a ceremony where they returned the Arkenstone to the Mountain. The moment the stone was returned, the Mountain seemed to give off a happy hum and glow. The dwarves felt stronger all of sudden as though they had blessed. Amara smiled as she heard Mahal say thank you in her ear. The dwarves that had lived under Dain returned home where the Company greeted their families. Thorin was happy to be reunited with his people whom greeted him warmly. 

"Dis, I want you to meet my One and future Queen of Erebor. This is Amara. Amara, this is my sister Dis, Fili and Kili's mother." Thorin introduced

Amara bowed and shook hands with the female dwarf that looked much like Thorin. 

"It's an honor to meet you." Amara said 

"The honor is mine, Champion. Balin and my sons have been telling me all about you whereas my own brother couldn't even be bothered to fill me in on such important news in any of his letters. I thank you for saving the house of Durin, Amara." Dis said with a bow

"It was my pleasure." Amara said as she happily watched the reunite and catch up 

Bilbo and Amara met up against the wall and watched all of the dwarves laugh and joke around.

"This is much better than the nightmare you use to describe when we were children. Thank you, Amara. I would not have found my mate and my future without you." Bilbo said 

"Thank you for believing in me, brother." Amara said 

"Always, little sister." Bilbo said before holding her hand

Bofur came and pulled the two back into the festivities. Drinks and food were made as everyone decided to feast in the grand ball room. Dwarves, elves, hobbit, and Man ate together in peace. 

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