41 - Who's the Cuter Couple?

Start from the beginning

"You wont lose me. You wont lose any of us." Remus assures me.

I really hope he's right.


I mindlessly copy the notes off the board in transfiguration as we begin preparations for the NEWTS, which I am not looking forward to. I'm writing the notes but the words are not processing in my mind whatsoever. I seem to be finding it very difficult to focus on anything.
Remus doesn't seem to be focusing either, he has a perfectly reasonable excuse though, the full moon is tomorrow night and I can tell he's beginning to feel really stressed about it. I hate seeing him stressed like this, he doesn't deserve to be going through this.


I hear a howl in the distance as me, Sirius, James and Peter walk through the tunnel to the shrieking shack. No matter how many times we do this I will never enjoy it.

James, Peter and Sirius seem to enjoy it quite a bit, sneaking around the grounds in our animagus forms, breaking hundreds of school rules, even breaking some laws, for them its thrilling.

But I cant focus on any of that. The only thing on my mind is the fact that the only person in this world that I love more than anything is suffering.

He wont remember any of this once the morning comes, but it is vividly imprinted in my mind. The way he cries out in pain as he transforms, the sadness in the eyes of the creature he becomes, the way that Remus is always worried that he's going to hurt us (or worse) every month.

He has been better since we started accompanying him on the full moon though, he wakes up with a lot less scratches and marks, he seems to recover much quicker and he doesn't dread the full moon as much as he did before.


We arrive back at the common room as the sun slowly begins to rise.

"Why couldn't we just stay in the hospital wing with him?" I mutter.

"Because Pomfrey would kill us." Sirius responds. "He'll be fine Y/n."

We arrive at the room and I head into the bathroom to get changed. As I'm walking over to Remus' bed I notice an open book, some parchment and a quill laying out on his desk. I walk over to look at it and it turns out to be unfinished notes. I sit down on his desk chair and finish up the notes. He's done the same for me and I feel the need to repay him.

I finish writing notes for Remus and leave them in a neat pile on his desk. I go over to Remus' bed and fall asleep almost instantly. Who knew running around all night with a werewolf, stag, rat and dog would be so tiring.


As me, James, Peter and Sirius were sitting eating breakfast I feel Remus lightly press his lips to my cheek.

"Thank you." He whispers in my ear and sits down beside me.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." I say and he smiles at me.

"So you have no clue as to how the notes I had begun writing are suddenly completed?" Remus asks jokingly.

"Nope," I say with a small smirk. "No clue."

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now