I stand up quickly when the door of the shack opens, but it's only James and Peter in their animagus forms, so I lay back down.

James looks over at me in concern but I just shake my head, trying to get him to not worry about me.

The next morning Remus looks like hell. He's unconscious and barely breathing, which terrifies me. I heal him as much as I can before we take him to the hospital wing.

"How the hell did Snivellus even find out?" James mutters as we're walking. Sirius's face pales, fear and realisation in his eyes.

"What the fuck did you do?" I question.

"I didn't mean to do anything," He says quickly. "But since Peter wasn't feeling great yesterday I decided to research the Whomping Willow to find out ways for us to stop the branches just in case he was feeling too sick to come with us. Snape was in the library and he saw what book I was reading. He started asking questions so I told him to piss off but you know how nosey he's been lately."

I groan in frustration.

"I swear I'm going to commit murder today," I mumble.


I look at Remus with a frown. We've been in the hospital wing for a few hours already and he still hasn't woken up. Sirius and Peter left not long ago to get food for us all but James decided to stay because apparently I look like I'm about to start crying and so James is being a stupid annoying idiot that cares about me and wants to be here to 'comfort me' or whatever.

"Y/n, you really should get your leg checked." James says gently.

"No, you should get your leg checked," I retort.

"My legs are fine."

"Not if I break them."


"I'm fine James." I mutter.

We've decided not to tell Remus what happened last night, it's probably better if we don't. Well actually I decided this and told the boys that if they say anything I'll stab them.

I watch Remus as he peacefully rests, observing every breath he takes. Eventually his eyes flutter open. He sits up slightly and instantly places his hand on his forehead and groans in pain.

"Headache?" I guess and hand him a glass of water.

"Thanks," He mutters and then drinks from the glass. "What happened last night, it seemed worse than usual."

James looks over at me and I shake my head slightly.

"Nothing happened," I lie and Remus looks at me sceptically.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I hate lying to him, even if its for his own good. He can always see right through my lies. "It felt worse. I just have that weird gut feeling that something happened."

I look over at James who just gives me a 'don't bring me into your lies' kind of look. I sigh.

"Fine. Do you really want to know what happened?" I ask and he nods. I take a deep breath and explain to him what happened, leaving out the part where he attacked me because I know he'd feel really guilty about it and I also don't want him worrying about me.

"So, Severus knows?" Remus mutters and I nod my head. Sadness fills Remus' eyes. "What're we gonna do? If he tells people, then I'm going to have to leave the school."

"We'll figure something out." I say softly, taking his hand in mine. "You won't have to leave, I promise."

"Y/n, I think you left out one important thing that happened last night." James says motioning to my leg. I shake my head. "If you don't tell him I will, he deserves to know everything that happened."

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now