32 - I Hate This Planet

Start from the beginning

"Hey, that's not true." I say but Remus just laughs and gives me a quick kiss.

"You know that it is true," He says and stands up. "I'm going to go get ready for bed."

"Its eight o'clock." James points out.

"Well I'm tired," Remus argues. "Probably because somebody was up all night squealing into a book."

"In my defense, it was a romance book and it was really cute and I was dying," I say. "But I am sorry for keeping you up. You really could've just told me to shut up though."

"I didn't want to, I find it quite cute when you get excited over reading."

James jokingly pretends to throw up.


"I think we're done." Remus says as we sit in a circle on the floor in the boys' room making the finishing touches on the map.

"Now just to test if it actually works." James says.

"I could go walk around and you guys can see if I move on the map," I suggest.

"You're just looking for an excuse to go down to the kitchens." Remus says.


"You are ridiculous." Sirius laughs.

"Do you want food or not?" I ask.

"Yes please." All the boys mutter at the same time. I laugh to myself and get given a list of foods and drinks that the boys want me to bring back.

"I'll be back soon," I say as I walk over to the door.

The walk to the kitchens is calm and peaceful. I get all the food and stop to talk to all the house elves in the kitchens for a little while before heading back.

"So, did it work?" I ask, walking into the boys' dorm after opening the door with my elbow, struggling with all the food I'm holding.

"Yeah, it did," Remus says, smiling at me from his bed. "Do you need help with all that?"

"Nope, I'm fine," I say, carefully putting all the food down onto James' bed.

We then celebrate our success with a glorious feast.


I curl up in a ball on Remus' bed. I had come up here hoping to find him, but he's not here. I think he has prefect duties.

I'm dying. My stomach is trying to eat me alive. Stupid period cramps. I wish for death.

I feel cold, so I grab a blanket and pull it over myself, hiding from the world. I shut my eyes and try to ignore the pain.

I lay for a while - I don't know how long - and eventually I hear the door open. The sound of footsteps approaching the bed makes me open my eyes.

"Y/n?" I hear Remus ask questioningly.

"Y/n died." I mumble.

He gently pulls the blanket away from my face, crouching down beside the bed so our faces are level.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"It's that super fun time of the month where my body does a bleedy thing." I grumble in response.

"Want chocolate and cuddles?"

"Yes please." I say quietly.

"Alright, one second." He says.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now