28 - The Full Moon

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"Why?" He asks.


"Why did she use it?"

"Her and Sirius were arguing, she found out about him being gay and was being a homophobic bitch. She had her wand pointed at him, I didn't want her to hurt him so I stood in front of him. She told me to move but I refused then she used the curse on me. I don't remember much of what happened, just a lot of pain, Sirius was yelling something but I couldn't hear him. When it was over Sirius and I headed to James'."

By this point I am full-blown crying and Remus is holding me comfortingly.

"Don't cry, you're safe now. You're never going back there again." He assures me while rubbing circles on my back. I cry into his shoulder for a while.

~*Remus' POV*~

It breaks my heart seeing her like this. I knew something bad had happened but I didn't realise it was this bad.
I hold her close as she cries into me. Eventually the sobs stop, I think she's stopped crying when actually she's fallen asleep.
I don't know what to do. I cant leave her alone when she's like this but I cant take her to my room, Sirius would kill me. I sit, still holding her, contemplating my options.

I decide on taking her up to my room and explaining to Sirius what's wrong, he'll probably understand.
I carefully lift her up and slowly carry her up the stairs to my dorm room.
I gently place her on my bed and put a blanket over her. I walk over to Sirius, who was asleep in his bed. I really didn't want to wake him but I had no other ideas.

"Sirius, wake up." I say. He groans and opens his eyes.

"Is it morning already?"

"No." I answer.

"Then what the fuck did you wake me up for?"

"It's about Y/n." I say and he sits up a bit.

"What happened?"

"She told me about everything that happened over the summer," I say and Sirius sighs. "Then she cried herself to sleep on me. Is it fine with you if I let her sleep in my bed with me?"

Sirius thinks about it for a moment. "You'll be wearing pyjamas?"

"No, I'll be naked," I answer sarcastically. "Yes, I'll be wearing pyjamas, you moron."

"I guess it's ok." He says. "But only for tonight, just because she's upset. You know she's going to pretend this never happened tomorrow right?"

"Yeah, I just don't think she should be alone when she's upset." I say and notice Sirius smile slightly.

"You're a good person Remus." He says and then I go get my pyjamas on.

As I'm getting into bed, Y/n grumbles slightly.

"Stay asleep," I whisper. "It's just me."

She mumbles something that I'm sure isn't even words and wraps her arms around me. I relax and wrap my arms around her, holding her tightly.

"Remus?" She mumbles, opening her eyes and looking up at me, her chin rested on my chest.


"I love you," She says softly, catching me off guard.

My entire life I never thought anyone could ever love me - who could love a monster? - but she does. She loves me. She's the most beautiful and amazing person there is, she could have anyone she wants, and yet she wants me. I am the luckiest person in the entire universe.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now