26 - A Date and Christmas

Start from the beginning

"Lets never come here again."

"That's a great idea." I reply and Madam Puddifoot comes through the tables carrying our hot chocolates.

Me and Remus both drink quite quickly, desperate to get out of here. Finally we both finish our drinks and leave as quickly as possible, which was difficult due to the many tables placed closely together.

"That was awful." I say through laughter.

"Well, now we know to never return there," Remus says, also laughing. "Let's go to Honeydukes."

He takes my hand once again and we head to the sweetshop. We enter the familiar shop and instantly walk over to the section where they keep the chocolates. We each pick out a bunch of different chocolates and, despite his protests, I pay for Remus'.

"You didn't need to do that." He insists for the millionth time as we walk out the store.

"I wanted to." I respond. "Besides, there's nothing more fun than using my blood-purity-obsessed family's money to buy stuff for my half-blood, werewolf boyfriend."

He laughs lightly. "Well thank you, I appreciate you supporting my chocolate addiction. Now where to next?"

"Lets just walk about for a bit." I say and Remus takes my hand and we walk around the village, taking in the scenery. It's so relaxing to just walk around, breathing in the fresh air.

Me and Remus talk and laugh the entire time. How can you spend so much time with someone yet still have so much to talk about?

Eventually he lets go of my hand and instead wraps his arm around my waist. I lean into him.

"We should go buy books," I say. "We told the guys we were going to be book shopping all day, it would be suspicious if we met up with them and had no books."

"I swear, you've already got enough books to fill an entire library," He jokes.

"Well so do you," I argue.

"At least I've read most of the books I own," He says. "I'm sure you've got enough books that you've been 'getting around to reading' to fill a second library."

"Rude," I mumble, jokingly pouting. He presses a small kiss to my cheek, which immediately makes me smile.

"Alright, come on then, let's go buy about a million books," He says, smiling back at me.

He takes my hand as we walk into the bookshop.

I immediately begin browsing the books and Remus follows after me amusedly.

Eventually I have about four books in my hands and I'm struggling to hold them all while also looking at books. Without even saying anything, Remus takes them from me.

"Thank you," I say.

"Buy as much as you want," He says. "I can carry them all while you look around."

"Are you sure?" I question.

"Of course," He responds and my heart warms. He's so sweet.

We walk around for a little while longer, and I add a few more books to the pile.

"Alright, I think I'm done," I say, looking back at the large pile of books I'm buying. "Is there any books you're wanting to buy?"

"No, I've got a couple in my room already that I plan to read, enough to last the next couple months at least if we're too busy with school work to do much reading," He answers. "Plus, a few of the ones you've picked out seem interesting, so I'll just borrow them from you."

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now