23 - A Really Shit Summer

Start from the beginning

He just shrugs. "I still want it done, even if its just for a little while."

"Okay, if you're sure." I say, rolling off my bed and reaching under it to find my box of nail polish.

I hand the box over to Sirius and let him pick what colour he wants. And he chooses red, no surprise there.

We talk a bit as I paint his nails.
I decide to also add some gold sparkles on the red, just to make it even better.

Sirius smiles as he admires the nails once I'm done.

"Thanks." He says.

"No problem," I respond. "Just make sure you wash it off before mum sees, I don't want her freaking out over this. There's nail polish remover in the box, use that."
He just rolls his eyes at me.
"Don't roll your eyes at me, you bitch." I say overdramatically.

"I'll do what I want."

"Rude," I joke, whacking his arm. "I'm going to go out on a walk, wanna come with me?"

"Nah, I'm not in the mood to move." He answers, flopping down onto his bed.

"Fair enough," I shrug. "Try not to get into any trouble while I'm gone."

"No promises."

No promises indeed.

I get home from the walk and instantly hear yelling.

I walk through to the kitchen where I see mum yelling at Sirius.

I don't hear much of her yelling but I pick up a few things. Bloodtraitor. Useless.

What I hear next makes me know that I need to step in. She calls Sirius the f-slur.

I stand between mum and Sirius.

"Leave him alone!" I yell.

"Y/n, move." Sirius says but I ignore him.

"You're defending him?!" Mum exclaims. "He's disgusting."

"Don't say that!" I exclaim, shoving her.

She stumbles back but quickly regains composure.

"You bitch, how dare you push me," She says angrily. "Crucio!"

I feel pain all over my body. It feels like I'm being stabbed by a million tiny, flaming swords.

I can hear myself scream as my body crumples to the floor. Sirius leans over me and I notice tears forming in his eyes. His mouth is moving, he's saying something, but I cant hear him.

The pain is too much to bear. I feel tears roll down my face.

Then it all suddenly stops.

My eyes feel heavy. I can hardly stay awake.
I struggle to breathe. Every breath I take is agony.

"What is wrong with you?!" Sirius yells at mum.
I can see him shaking and tears are now rolling down his cheeks.

Footsteps echo across the floor, I assume it's mum leaving the room.

Sirius lifts me into his arms, holding me close to him. I feel him breathing deeply, I focus on the rise and fall of his chest to try and distract myself from the pain I still feel.
I hear him muttering something, though I can hardly make out the words.

Soon Sirius calms down slightly, he's no longer crying and he seems to be breathing normally.

"Are you okay to walk?" He asks me softly. I just shrug slightly. "Well, we're leaving."

Sirius helps me stand up, tightly grasping both my arms. I go to try and take a step but my legs buckle and I would've fell onto the floor if Sirius hadn't caught me.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now