I walk to the library with Y/n, smiling as she rambles on about the book she's currently reading.

"You should totally read it," She says. "I think you'd like it."

"Maybe I will," I respond. "That way I'll actually understand your strange ramblings."

She laughs lowly, her face going slightly red. "Sorry."

"No, no, no, don't apologise for anything," I say quickly. "I didn't mean it like its a bad thing, I like how happy you seem when you're rambling about something you like."

She smiles, her face going more red as she looks away from me.

We arrive at the library. We plan on getting our Care for Magical Creatures homework done now so we can relax over the weekend.

We gather all the books we think we'll need before sitting down at a table near the back of the room.

We work mostly in silence, only occasionally speaking to ask a question about the work.

I look up from my parchment, my mind wandering, and notice Y/n looking quite confused. Her eyebrows are furrowed and she's mumbling quietly to herself, I can't hear what she's saying.

"Everything alright?" I ask amusedly.

"Shh, I'm figuring things out," She says and I chuckle quietly.

"You seem confused, what's going on?" I ask. "Maybe I can help."

"Nope, shut up, I can do this," She says before laughing slightly. "Sorry, don't actually shut up, I didn't mean it."

I smile. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," She mumbles. "This book just doesn't seem right."

I gasp overdramatically. "Are you doubting a book? This I'd expect from James, Sirius and Peter, but not you Y/n. If we can't trust the books then our entire lives are a lie, and-"

"Oh shush," She smiles, pushing my arm. "Stop being overdramatic."

"Right, sorry, being overdramatic is your job."

"Wow Remus, that hurts," She jokes, pretending to be offended.

"You're just proving my point," I argue.

"I am not overdramatic."

"Yesterday you felt a random pain in your side and claimed you were dying."

"I could've been dying." She shrugs. "You don't know, you're not a healer."

I chuckle. "Yes, of course, you're so right, it's a miracle you're still alive."

"Exactly." She smiles.

"We should get back to work," I say. "And if you do really think that book is wrong then you should probably just put it away," She nods, sliding the book across the table, away from her.
"I meant put it away on the shelf."

She just sticks her tongue out at me

"How mature," I say.

"More mature than you are," She playfully argues.

"Oh sure, clearly," I say sarcastically.

"You're sarcasm wont help you, I'm taking that as an agreement."

I go to argue back but Madam Pince comes around the bookshelf, complaining about the noise. We both apologise to the librarian, who just sighs and walks off. Once she's out of earshot Y/n and I burst into quiet laughter.

I get distracted by the melodic sound of Y/n laughing, and the mesmerising way her eyes sparkle, and her beautiful smile, and-


The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now