17 - Summer at James'

Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah, definitely," I agree.

We sit and talk for a while, but soon we're allowed into the hospital wing.

The four of us sit around the bed James is in, all of us smiling upon seeing him awake.

"You're a moron," I say immediately.

"You cant be mean to me, I'm injured," James responds.

"Nope, you're an idiot and I'm going to say it. Seriously-"

"Siriusly," Sirius 'corrects.'

"I will fucking kill you," I threaten him before returning my attention to James. "But really, throughout the whole game you manage to avoid being hit, but then the moment its over you get completely knocked out? You're an idiot."

"How is that my fault?" He argues.

"Because I say so."

"Welp, cant argue with that," James says sarcastically.


"Are you sure you're going to be fine?" I ask.

"For the billionth time, yes," Regulus answers. We're hanging out outside, sitting on the ground beside the lake. There's only two days left of being at school, so I thought I'd spend time with my younger brother since its unlikely I'll see him during the holidays.

"I'm just saying, you could totally come to James' with us."

"Y/n, again, I'll be fine," He says.

"Okay, but-"

"Yes, I will send you a letter if she hurts me and then you can come kick her ass."

"You know me so well." I smile. "But promise you'll write to me anyways, I'll miss you."

"I promise," He says. "And I'll miss you too."

Suddenly, Sirius and James run past us, both of them screaming at the top of their lungs.

"I wont miss Sirius though," Regulus adds.

I watch as Peter runs after them.

Then Remus comes over, sitting down beside me.

"We need new friends," He says jokingly.

"What exactly is going on?" I ask.

"Apparently James has hid Sirius' hairbrush," He answers. "So Sirius is chasing after him, which is a total overreaction in my opinion. So good luck dealing with them over the holidays."

"Are you sure you cant come with us?" I ask.

"You know I cant," He answers.

When James invited me and Sirius to stay with him, he did also invite Peter and Remus. Peter said he couldn't because he had to go visit family in America and will be away for pretty much the entire summer, and Remus said he couldn't because he's worried about the full moon, saying he doesn't want to risk anyone getting hurt.

We tried to come up with solutions, but Remus is stubborn as hell and nothing any of us suggested convinced him.

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to murder James and Sirius all by myself," I say.

"Just remember to make it look like an accident," Regulus says. "And they both seem like idiots, so it would be believable that they died from some dumb accident."

"You two are both really murdery," Remus comments.

"Growing up with Sirius can make people murdery." Reg nods.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now