all i wanted

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I was only 3 years old when my mom broke up with my dad she was alone but she had me hi am lizzy and this is my life my mom left my dad when I was 3 I was sad but I was never alone she was nice and exciting I was happy but one day when she give me a Elsa birthday my dad came they broke into a fight and I had to tell everyone leave and dad I told him. You ruined my party! He said you invited me and I said I didn't. I looked at mom and she said I invited him I thought you would be happy and I said i love you no matter what. She looked happy but dad looked gruppy. I said what's wrong? He shouted. LEAVE ME ALONE YOU MISTAKE. I was mad and sad and i to my room am locked it. I was 16 that time. I had a baby sis she was nice to me but when she was 6 I loved her and she loved me. I was playing roblox with My friend until I got called from my parents downstairs. I ran downstairs and I said WHAT. They said your sister is sick look after her. And I did. But when it was my first day of school my sis was well and she said bye bye sissy. But... everyone was mean to me except my crush his name was John and I liked him since kindergarten. He had blue hair,green eyes. He was hot. I asked him to prom and he said yes.that was my best day of my life. But... the day of the prom he cheated on me and said haha you think I liked you hah in your dreams. I ran to my home and ran to my room and never came out for 19 days. John got worried and he asked my parents where was I and they said in my room.  But one day I came out of my room and my parents and John was happy and I said WAHT IS HE DOING HERE. My parents said he came looking for you. And I said blah blah blah he did not . He looked sad and am sorry. I said no you were not . I ran to my room amd I kissed him bye and that's my story bye guys

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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