13 - Time with Remus

Start from the beginning

"It is," I say. "I just didn't want Remus to feel left out so I'm staying here with him."

"That's very kind of you." Madam Pomfrey smiles at me. "I'm assuming the boys aren't staying."

"No, they're not." I shake my head. "Just me."

"Well, Remus is still asleep, but you are free to stay."

"Thank you," I say and walk over to the bed Remus was lying on.

I sit down on the seat next to the bed. I smile as I look at Remus, who is sleeping peacefully. I pull a book out of my bag, which I had brought down with me, and begin reading it.

"Y/n?" I hear Remus' groggy half-asleep voice mumble. I put the book down to see that he is awake and looks very confused. "Why're you here?"

"I'm staying here with y-" I begin to say but Remus cuts me off.

"Y/n, I cant let you miss out because of me," He says.

"Too late," I say. "They've probably left already. I'm staying and you cant stop me."

Remus sighs and lays back in defeat.

"You are so stubborn sometimes," Remus complains but I can see that he's holding back a smile.

"I know."

"Thank you," He says after a short period of silence.

"For what?"

"Staying," He explains. "You didn't have to, yet you did. I know you would've preferred going to Hogsmeade, so thank you."

"It wouldn't be the same without you." I shrug.

Madam Pomfrey, who must've just noticed Remus was awake, comes over and tends to Remus' scars. I watch over Remus in concern the whole time. Eventually Madam Pomfrey leaves, saying that Remus needs to stay in the hospital wing a bit longer so she can monitor how he is feeling.

"Stop worrying about me," Remus says. "I'm fine, this month wasn't that bad."

"I cant help worrying about you." I respond. "Plus, you worry about me all the time."

"Not all the time." He mumbles in response and I grin.

"Want some chocolate?" I ask, changing the subject, Remus' face lights up.

I dig through my bag and pull out two bars of chocolate, hand Remus one and open the other for myself.

"This is why you're my favourite," Remus says. "You always have chocolate."

"Don't tell Sirius, but you're my favourite too."

"I am so telling Sirius."

"No," I say. "He'll kill me and then we wont be able to eat chocolate together."

Me and Remus both burst into laughter, earning a glare from Madam Pomfrey.

It didn't take long for Remus to get dismissed from the hospital wing, I guess Madam Pomfrey was getting annoyed with us talking and laughing a bunch.

We sit in the almost empty common room, most of the older students are at Hogsmeade and its quite warm outside today so a lot of the younger students are outside.

Remus and I sit in our usual seats by the fireplace, both quietly reading books.
After reading for a while Remus closes his book and I look up at him.

"Wanna go get lunch?" He asks. "I'm starving."

"Sure," I say closing my book, putting it in my bag and standing up. "Lets go."

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now