"But how do you focus on them for more than ten seconds?" Sirius asks and I shrug again.

"Y/n, please just help us." James whines.

"No." I say.

"Remus?" Sirius begs.


"Please." James and Sirius say simultaneously, drawing the word out annoyingly, while giving us puppy eyes.

"Whining isn't going to work." Remus says.

"We're not helping you prank innocent people." I say as I cross my arms over my chest.

"So if they deserved it...?" Sirius asks.

"Sirius, no." I say.

"Sirius, yes." Sirius replies jokingly and I roll my eyes.

"I'm going up to my room." I say as I grab my stuff and stand up. "Good luck with dealing with them Remus."

"No, don't leave me with them." Remus says overdramatically. We both burst into laughter.

"Bye." I call out as I reach the staircase and hear all four boys shout bye in return.

"Hey Y/n." Lily says as she enters the room to see me lying on my bed reading a book. "Didn't expect you to be here."

"It's like you don't want me here or something." I say jokingly as I place my book down on my bed.

"Seriously though, you don't spend enough time in here." She says as she plops down on my bed next to me. "Not coming to bed until late at night, early morning sometimes, leave first thing in the morning because the boys appeared and kidnapped you."

"Awww," I say jokingly. "You miss me."

"I do not." Lily says as she pushes me onto my bed.

"I am injured." I say dramatically as Lily laughs at my ridiculousness.

"Drama queen." She says jokingly.

"No, we both know that Sirius is the drama queen." I say as I sit up.

"True," She agrees. "But you two are more alike than you admit."

"No." I say plainly. Me and Sirius are not alike, yes we look kinda similar and we both have a weird sense of humour, and yes we are both very sarcastic and holy shit, we are alike.
"Ew, maybe you're right." I say after a moment.

We both burst into laughter.

We talk most of the night, Alice and Marlene joining in once they came up to the room. I don't quite remember when but eventually we all drifted off to sleep.

I woke up suddenly hearing a bang of something falling over. I freeze. What if someone's broken in? No, I'm probably just being ridiculous. It's probably just Lily, Marlene or Alice getting up to go to the bathroom or something. Yeah. That's probably it. I push all thoughts away and fall back into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I look in the mirror and scream at the sight I see.

I had just gotten out the shower and when I looked into the mirror I saw that my face was bright red. And not like a normal shade of red that skin can go when someone's blushing for example, no, its bright fucking red.

I don't know if it was like this when I woke up, if it was I probably just didn't notice, I was half asleep when I got into the shower.

"What happened?!" Lily yells as she rushes into the bathroom, luckily I had a towel wrapped around myself.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum