We get back to the common room, which is just too loud today, that and the fact that James and Sirius are loud as hell made everything too overwhelming, so I head to the library by myself to get some peace and quiet.

I decide to just do the homework we were given in DADA, its probably a good idea to be productive while I'm here.

I find a couple books on werewolves and begin the essay we've got to write.

I lose focus on the essay and just read because it's a pretty interesting topic.

My attention is taken from the books when Remus sits down beside me.

"Hey." I greet him with a smile.

"Hi," He responds. "Is everything alright? You missed dinner."

"I missed dinner?" I ask, looking up at the clock and checking the time. "Shit."

Remus chuckles. "You've been here for quite a while, have you not finished the homework yet?"

"Crap, I may have forgot to write things down."

"Is it possible for you to focus on more than one thing at a time?"

"Apparently not," I say, closing the book in front of me. "I'll finish the essay tomorrow."

"You should eat something." He says.

"Yeah, I'll head down to the kitchens and get some food."

"Want me to come with you?"

"If you want," I shrug, picking up the books to put them away. "I wont be offended if you'd rather head back to the common room."

"So my choices are spend time with my best friend, or head back to the common room and attempt to stop myself from killing James, Peter and Sirius because they're loud and annoying."

I chuckle. "So you're coming?"

"Of course." He answers with a small smile.

I put the books away and then we head to the kitchens together.

We have a few small conversations, but mostly walk in a comfortable silence.

We arrive at the kitchens and I get some food from the house elves before we head back to the common room.


The next day after classes I head to the library again and continue the homework on werewolves.

I actually get work done this time, I even end up writing more than we needed to.

I then continue reading, enjoying the peace and quiet of the library.

I flip through a few more books about werewolves, and pops into my mind.
Remus disappears once a month, he's covered in scars, he seemed so tense when the teacher was talking about werewolves. Is he a werewolf?

No. That's crazy. Remus isn't a werewolf, I'm just insane.

I'm taken away from my ridiculous thoughts when Remus sits down beside me.

"Hey." He smiles at me.

"Hi." I respond, closing the book that was in front of me.

"So, did you actually get the homework done this time?"

"Yeah, I didn't get too distracted," I answer. "So, why are you here?"

"It's like you don't want me here," He jokes. "But James, Sirius and Peter were being as annoying as always, so I decided to come hang out with you."

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now