6 - Escape to James'

Start from the beginning

"What do you think?" He snaps angrily before calming down a bit. "Sorry. I'm mad at mum, I shouldn't take it out on you."

"It's okay." I say and he sits up.
"Why'd she do it?" I ask.

"I brought up the possibility of us going to stay with James for a while," He answers. "She got mad for some reason. She didn't technically give me an answer, but I'm guessing it's a no."

I sigh quietly to myself. "You'd think she'd be glad to get rid of us."

Sirius nods in agreement and nothing more is said between us, we just sit silently together.


The holidays only get worse.

I was driving myself crazy counting down the days until we'd return to Hogwarts.

One day, as I was sitting on the couch in the living room reading a book I hear a loud crash. I look up to see Regulus standing beside a now broken vase.

I quickly close my book, rushing over to him. He was clearly freaking out, knowing mum was going to go crazy.

"Reg, go upstairs." I say quickly.

"What?" He asks.

"Just go." I say, hearing mum's footsteps.


"Reg, go." I say sternly and he reluctantly does as he's told.

Mum comes in the room and I tense up, preparing for what's going to happen.

"What happened?" She says angrily.

"I-I broke the vase. It was an accident." I answer, avoiding looking at her.

I don't really remember what happened next, just a lot of pain.

After mum leaves to go the kitchen or something I head upstairs. Regulus was sitting on the stairs but stands up when he sees me.

"You shouldn't've done that," He says. "You shouldn't've took the blame."

"Well I did," I mumble, walking past him, heading towards my room. He follows after me. "I couldn't let her hurt you."

"You don't need to protect me." He insists.

I don't respond to him, instead I just walk into me and Sirius' room, flopping down on my bed.

"What happened?" Sirius asks. He was sitting at his desk, writing something, probably a letter to James.

"I broke a vase," Regulus answers. "Y/n took the blame for it, mum obviously got pissed off."

"Y/n, are you okay?" Sirius asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumble.

Sirius comes and sits down beside me.

We all talk for a little while but mum calls us down for dinner.

We eat in silence, the only sound heard is the clinking of cutlery against plates. I feel Sirius kick me from under the table, I look up at him confusedly but he acts innocent, as if nothing happened.

Oh, this is war.

I kick him back. He kicks me again. This goes on for a while, until we hear a small "ow" from under the table. It seems Sirius kicked Kreacher. Sirius' eyes widen when he realises what he did, knowing we're going to get in trouble.

I can feel mum glaring at us from across the table, though Sirius and I refuse to look at her.

Mum tells Regulus to leave the table and I know we're doomed.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now