part 6: jealousy..

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Tom pov:
Since the war ended our days was so peaceful.. that's really good.. I have more time to spend with master now.. since Harry decided to "fix" the world.. he had so much work.. passing new laws that gives dark creatures their rights.. and making dark magic an essential part of the world.. the same as light magic.. now even hogwarts teaches dark magic..Harry.. the boy who's supposed to kill me.. succeeded in achieving my goal.. true.. he was really great.. and powerful.. that day was a shock.. Harry.. was really awesome and powerful.. I'm grateful he is by our side..
-lost in thoughts again?.., master said.. shit not again
-y.yeah.. I'm sorry.., I said .. I'm still afraid of my dom.. he is really scary when he's angry.. I started fearing him after we came back.. Harry was angry because we saw what he did to Dumbledore.. especially when he said not to.. when he was going to punish us.. master got so angry trying to protect me.. that was really scary.. after he was trained by Harry.. his magic improved.. and when I felt it.. it was so dark.. I didn't believe someone can be so dark like that.. well Harry is more darker.. anyways.. that day was just about Harry and Draco's magic covering the room with harry trying to hold his magic so he doesn't really hurt us..
-ehm.. tooom stop spacing out..,master said again.. shit why am i like this..
-I'm s.sorry.., I said shaking..
-Tom.. you know I won't hurt you .. why are you shaking.., master asked..
-it's natural.. after that day when your magic exploded.. of course he will be scared.., Harry said..
-then why father is ok.. your magic is stronger.., master replied..
-I never said your father is OK..he is still so scared of me.. well he became more clingy too.. you know.. he is clinging to the person he's scared of.. weird.., Harry laughed.. petting the sleepy lucius on his lap..
-I'm s.scared.. but I still feel and comfortable with my daddy.., lucius said yawning..
-.. well at least they are not running away.., master said.. and harry hummed in response..
-I'm bored.., master said
-me too.., Harry replied
-so.. what are we going to do.., master asked
-.. don't know.., Harry said with a sigh..
-what about a double date.. let's go have fun with Tommy and Lucy.., master shouted..
-great idea.., Harry
-coome on it will be go... wait you actually accepted?.., master said
-yes.. you thought I will say no?.., Harry asked
-well you are not into boring activities and I didn't think a simple double date will be good enough for you.. I already prepared a whole list of arguments to convince you.., master said and I laughed.. he really did that and I helped him..
-well at least someone enjoyed seeing me suffering..,master said while looking at me.. shit
-master I'm sorry.. didn't mean it like that.. please forgive me.., I begged
-shush I'm not angry.., master said kissing my forehead and I smiled at him
-whatever.. I'm glad I saved my ears then.. let's go and get ready..we will meet you here when we finish.., Harry said picking lucius up and walked out of the room
-well it seems we succeeded without trying.. let's go and get ready.. I will pick your clothes.., master smirked and I blushed
-as you wish master.., I smiled
We walked to our room.. well master walked and I was in his arms
In the room I sit on the bed while master Choose my clothes
-you have many perfect robes.. but that's not what I'm looking for.. I want something to show your beauty and that you are mine.., master said..
-actually.. there's a hidden wardrobe behind this one.., I said blushing when I saw master smirk seeing the clothes in the hidden closet
-well these one are absolutely adorable.., he said holding the clothes out for me .. when I saw it I bet my face matched the weasleys red hair.. I stand up and took he clothes and put them on.. a black skirt and a grey top a weird looking pair of feminine boots ..
-.. am I going out like this?.., I asked
-yup.. you look very beautiful..  he said kissing me hungrily..
-as you wish master.., I said panting
-now for the accessories all you need is my collar to show that you are mine.., master said giving me a silver collar with light golden jems and a red ruby in the middle..
-not trying to be offensive but.. why the red and gold.., I said not completing my sentence.. *it's very gryffindorish*
-I know what are you thinking and no it's has nothing to do with gryffindor .. the red ruby is to match your eyes and the light gold ones to match my hair and the collar is silver because I like silver and also it's my eyes color.., master said and I felt ashamed.. instead of thanking him I questioned his choices.. so I kneel down bowing my head
-I'm very sorry master.. please punish this ungrateful slave.. and if you still think i deserve your collar please put it on me.., I said hiding my tears..
-shush my own I won't punish you. I actually expected such a question and you deserve this collar.. after all you are my obedient slave and my cute slutty lover.., master said putting the collar around my neck
-thank you so much for you mercy master.., I said kissing his hand after he put the collar
-come on tommy we have a date I don't won't you to worry over meaningless things.., master said smiling and picked me up..
-let's go and wait for the other two.., he said and I smiled nuzzling his neck.. I really love my master
Lucius pov:
We walked through the hallway to our room.. well daddy walked and I was in his arms.. I'm so afraid that he will leave me.. daddy is so powerful and I know he can have anyone he wants yet he choose to be with me.. I'm grateful for that but I'm still afraid I'm not enough for him.. I looked at him and he smiled lovingly at me.. I never thought that this look will be directed at me .. even in my best dreams.. daddy loves me.. and I love him so much.. I will do anything for him..
-stop overthinking my Lucy.., daddy said  kissing my forehead
-I'm sorry.. just devoting myself to you again.. making a vow that I will always be yours.. your toy..your slave.. your plaything..anything you want me to be.. I no longer own myself.. you own me.. and I have nothing to give you because you already own everything I one had.. and I wish you won't throw me away when you get bored with me.. I have nothing but your ownership over me.. I will be broken if you leave.. so please do me a favor when you decide to let me go.. kill me.. it will be my ultimate joy to die by your hands.. in your hands.., I said hugging him.. I know he didn't give me permission to do so and I might be punished.. but I really couldn't stop myself
-my sweet little boy.. I will never leave.. I will always be your owner.. you will always be my toy.. that's how my love for you exist.. as long as you are mine.. you will always have a place in my heart.. and don't worry.. if one day fate decided to separate us.. I will grant your wish and kill you.., daddy said hugging me back
-thank you so much my master.., I said not noticing my tears..
-you are welcome my angel.., daddy said wiping away my tears.. I'm so lucky.. I will be the best slave he can ask for
-come on I will dress you up and you will be a very beautiful living doll.., master said and I nodded smiling... master loved dressing me up like a girl.. and I loved the attention I get when he does that..
-remember that light blue dress with the white beautiful clouds like pictures on it?.., daddy said asking me
-yes.. you bought it for me but I never wore it.., I said
-good go and try it with your white sandals and for the accessories put my collar, the silver ring I gave you and the white and black gold bracelets oh and bring the light blue hair chains and the white hair strings I will do your hair.., daddy said and I did exactly what he said.. I must admit I look so beautiful..
-you look wonderful.. now kneel down let me do your hair.., he said and I kneel in front of him and turned around to give him access to my hair.. he braided some of my hair decorating the braids with the hair string then he ordered me to turned around and he put the hair chains on it.. I look fascinating..
-you look so fine.. I think I might devour you right now and here.., master said and I moaned in excitement..
-whatever you wish daddy.., i said
-not now.. now we have a date with the other two.., he said and we walked out the room Going to the main living room to find draco and tom snogging on the sofa.. well not for so long my daddy threw a book on Draco's head
-hey that's rude.., draco yelled
-making out on the sofa is also rude.., Harry said
-you were taking so long to get.... ready?.. Father.. you look .. very good actually.. good job potter.. never imagined i will see my father in a dress.., draco said..
-do you think I fancied seeing the big scary dark lord in a skirt... by the way you look stunning tom.., Harry said
-keep your eyes to your sub.., draco said..
-you did the same to my sub..,Harry replied
-he is my father I will never look at him that way.., draco frowned
-well your tommy is not only my bestie he is my father figure too.. you know that I don't have any family left or should remind you.., Harry said glaring at draco
-he is?.., draco said
-I am?.., Tom said
-really.. you never noticed how much I respect you.. how I act around you.. merlin all your death eaters knew me as the mysterious cold cloaked shadow of the dark lord.. I'm this childish fool kid only when I'm with you.., Harry said
-I never noticed.. do you still see me like that even if I'm not a scary dark lord anymore?.., Tom asked
-of course.. I'm actually glad you found someone who love you .. you look so happy these days.. and I'm more than happy to inherit your dark lord title.., Harry said smiling
-ha that means that I'm your father's mate.. merlin I took my revenge without even noticing.., draco laughed
-actually I was the one who took my revenge.. you took my father before I took yours.., Harry said smirking
-you..., draco was stunned and suddenly we all started laughing so hard.. no one can make such a weird situation like this beside the one boy who lived who is now my daddy..
-ok ok let's just ignore this weird thing and go on our date.., Harry said and we apparate to diagon alley.. it was a really great day.. we bought new clothes mostly for Harry and Draco.. me and tom begged them to let us help them with the clothes.. it was a good show.. especially with harry everything suited him.. draco teased him for that
Next we went for lunch.. daddy picked my lunch and Draco picked tom's .. it was very delicious.. daddy knows me so well.. after that tommy begged to go to a bookstore.. it's a hidden store that sells rare and dangerous books.. well draco refused but Harry convinced him.. it seems even Harry adores such kind of books.. I will try to find some more rare books for his birthday.. when Harry and tom were finally satisfied we left the store and had some ice-cream.. surprisingly.. Harry had a sweet tooth.. and a very weird obsession with vanilla.. can someone really eat a whole bowl of ice-cream with the same flavor.. Harry did.. for me I took chocolate.. it's the best and I discovered that tom had a thing for sweets too.. he ate two bowls of strawberry flavored ice-cream.. monster .. draco actually didn't like sweets so he ordered a black coffee flavored ice-cream.. I didn't know such a flavor even existed.. well good times never last.. after we ate our ice-cream we went to a sex shop in knockturn alley
-I think I will buy some cuffs for Tom.., draco said
-nah my Lucy doesn't need to be tied I like it when he touches me.. but if I need him to be tied I want it to be with my school tie.. it was so good seeing him tied with a red and gold tie.., Harry smirked
-doesn't need to hear about my father's sex life.., draco said
-pity.. anyways I want some vibrators and buttplugs for lucy.., Harry said
-yeah I will take some for Tom too.., draco said
-do you think lucius can handle pain?.., Harry asked
-I think so.. he never complained about the cruciatus he received from Tom.., draco said
-then I will take some canes, paddles and whips..,Harry said
-i Don't know about tom.. I will ask him later if he is ok with pain..,draco said..
Did they forget we are here? Well seeing them so concentrated is so cute.. won't tell them thought.. I chuckled and went to tom
-I want master to buy a leach for me.. this one will much my collar.., Tom said
-well it's up to him.. why Don't you ask him.., I said
-you are right.. but he is busy with your daddy.., he smirked
-are you teasing me? At least I already have a leach.., I said
-you do?.., he asked and I nodded smirking.. well it went good until I felt a hand on my ass.. I thought it was my daddy so I didn't move.. but the horrified look on tom's face told me otherwise so I turned around and saw a man that I Don't know smirking and licking his lips
-... such sluts.. let me have some fun with won't you.., he said and I felt my heart racing.. I need to defend myself.. but I didn't bring my wand since it won't match my outfit.. shit seems Tom have the same problem.. but he can do wandless magic.. wait.. our masters didn't say we are allowed to use magic.. the man approached us.. I called master but he didn't come.. the man used a silencing spell around us.. he pushed tom on the ground.. shit now I regret not taking the muggle defense courses.. the man grabbed my jaw licking my face.. disgusting..I pushed him away and tried to run away to ask for help but the man grabbed me and threw me beside tom then kneeled beside us.. he touched us and I noticed tom crying and I felt my own tears running on my cheeks.. the man put his hands on our thighs and started sliding it under my dress and tom's skirt I tried kicking him but he cast a petrificus totalus on us.. shit I'm panicking.. this can't happen.. only daddy can touch me.. I will become dirty.. and he will hate me.. no I can't.. no.. please daddy.. save me
And suddenly I felt my master's magic surround th place and the man exploded.. well only parts of him and he started screaming ..he came.. master came for me.. I looked at master.. but all I saw was rage... master is angry.. at me?
Harry pov:
I was talking to draco about sex toys when I noticed ghe absence of my Lucy and tom..
-hey.. where is Lucy and tom.., I asked draco..
-Don't know.. maybe looking for some toys.., he shrugged
-let's go and see what they are looking for..,
We walked through the shop but we didn't find them.. I felt pain in my heart.. my mate is in danger..
-Draco.., I said and he looked like a corpse .. I followed his gaze.. and I was in rage... my Lucy being touched by someone else.. and he isn't even resisting.. that slut.. i made the man's organs explode without killing him and apparated him to the dangeuns in the mamor.. then I looked at my sub.. who allowed a mere mudblood to touch him..  I couldn't hear anything.. not Draco's calming words.. nor tom's explanation.. all I saw was my submissive's face..
-enjoyed yourself?.., I asked angrily in my dominant voice master .. please.., he replied in his submissive voice trying to calm me down while he kneel and bared his neck..
-well I didn't see you resisting as well.., I said my patience running slow..
-Harry.. think reasonably.. the were hit by the binding spell.. they can't resist.., draco said
-..Tom?.., draco asked raising an eyebrow toward tom
-master.. you never gave me permission to use magic.., Tom said shaking
-you really think I will take your magic from you.. especially when you need it mostly.., draco said
-I'm..s.sorry.. please..master I never wanted this to happen..,Tom begged
-you didn't trust me.. you preferred being raped than trusting that your master will never hurt you like that.., draco said
-master.. p.please.., Tom said.. and Draco glared at him..
-you will be punished when we are at home.. Harry I will pay for our things.. and apparate directly to the manor you can go.. he said and I grabbed lucius and apparated to our chamber..
-now tell me .. what excuses do you have to justify your error.., I said not looking at him.. I saw him dropping on his knees and crawling to me..
-please.. please forgive me.. I will take any punishment you want.. but please.. Don't hate me.. I know I became a used dirty whore.. but please.. give me one chance..please..,lucius begged
-I won't leave you.. but you will be punished.., I said and he looked relieved but scared.. time to show him who own him..


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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