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They'll be your life
when you weren't sure you wanted one.
They'll be your family,
and make you forget they're not.

When everything goes wrong,
they stand by and help you up.
When everything goes right,
they're the first to celebrate.

Some you'll lose,
and some you'll gain.
Some you've known forever,
and some you've known today.

This life is short,
but it's the longest thing we know.
We need these friends
to help hold us up when we're down.

Every friend we make,
all the friends that stay,
they're the family we choose to keep,
and we would never want otherwise.

They make us smile
when we frown.
They make us laugh
when all we've done is cry.

They'll stay to lend support,
they'll act like family,
and never be convinced otherwise,
because friends are the family we've chosen.

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