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Meika laid in bed cuddling with Mocha and Nefera in her apartment whimpering in pain whenever she moved too much.. Before Meika could think of anything else though, she was suddenly blinded by a bright white light which consumed her and her little friends who laid with her. The last thought Meika had before being blinded away was, " what the fvck"?


The Avengers were all being transported from different timelines toward one specific place, a place that would reveal the existence of a certain child. The first to arrive in the mysterious theater were the two Avengers who were about to bring back half the population. Tony and Steve.

They both landed in the front of what seemed to be some sort of hip theater. Once they gathered their bearings, their eyes scanned the room, wondering if this was the work of Thanos.

"Where the hell are we?!" Tony exclaimed, looking around the fancy room for any threats.

"Relax, I'm not here to harm you, I simply want to reveal a secret that was desperately covered up by many people." A manly voice said from the L.E.D ceiling, which caused Tony to screech like a teenage girl, while Steve turned his head around frantically, looking for any sort of threat or a way out.

"And who might I ask, are you?" Steve asked suspiciously. He was beyond paranoid now a days.

" Irrelevant. I need to bring in the others, don't kill each other " Without another word, the invisible man left and reappeared, yet another flash passed through the room and brought in the rest of the people. The room was in chaos. There were people yelling at the ceiling, yelling at each other and then there was Steve and Tony. They were inspecting the snack bar.

Meanwhile, Sam and Bucky were walking up to Steve(who had gummy worms hanging out the side of his mouth) with smiles on their faces.

"Nice to see you man." Sam said patting his friend on the back like a good bro.

"Buck...Sam?" Steve asked in shock. He didn't know what was happening, but he was pretty sure the two people standing in front of him were dead. Dead as a doornail.

"Good to see you, Stevie." Bucky said, bringing the man in for a hug which he gratefully returned.

"Hey Buck, good to see you too." Steve said, grasping his best friend back equally as hard. Still in shock.

When they pulled back, Steve looked at Sam and raised an eyebrow, "You stealing my look, Wilson?" He asked, gesturing to the outfit in mock offence.

Sam smirked, "Actually, you gave me the look Cap, it was you who passed the damn plate to me." Steve's eyes widened, "So you're from the future...?"

"Yeah, punk." Bucky smiled widely at his best friend, though he was confused as to why they were all here.

" Greetings! I am here to unravel lies. I have seen the future, and it is not bright for this young, tortured soul... I want to introduce a very important child. Meika Barnes" the voice sounded from the ceiling.

Bucky snapped his head up towards the ceiling. He didn't know anyone by the name of Meika. Maybe this was somebody close to him in the future. Maybe a wife or a daughter. He only had one sister and her name was Rebecca, not Meika. Bucky looked to his two best friends in obvious confusion. As if to answer his question yet ANOTHER flash of light covered the room and there stood a girl. More specific, a brunette child.

Expect everyone being protective of  Meika:
#Meika needs a hug

AVENGERS REACT: The story of a lost childOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora