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Her injuries:☝︎☝︎

Meika sat on the edge of a bridge overlooking a beautiful river. She was depressed. She wanted to march back to America and shoot Clint in between the eyes, but she knew she couldn't blame Clint anymore it wasn't his fault she was just jealous, and she knew jealousy was a bad trait. Especially for a super soldier, she held her bruised sides, while doing her best to stop the bleeding of her busted knuckles. She hoped she could just wait out the pain, but she knew she probably had to have Melina wrap it for her. Meika sucked when it came to medical attention, Meika hated seeing her own blood. It's been a few months since her sister, Carissa's death and she couldn't stand it... it saddened her. Made her feel things that confused her and made her cry day in and day out. Meika hated herself for it.

Meika cringed as the blood trickled from her  cut eyebrow, into her mouth. Immediately meika gagged. She hated the taste of blood; You would think after having to kill people she would be used to it but she wasn't. She never would be.

Meika was lost...not physically, she knew this City like the back of her hand but she was lost mentally. All she ever had was the Red Room—even if it was through manipulation...that's all she ever had and when her sister came back into her life she had a purpose. Had someone to look after her. Somebody to relate too. Now that she's dead Meika had no one and she felt more alone than anything. It hurt. It hurt so fucking much! Meika tried to hide her pain like she had been taught her entire life but the pain of losing her best friend — her older sister, it was dreadful. Meika had never known pain that hurt like this one. Meika was frustrated, confused and overwhelmed. Meika was no stranger to pain. Though, this pain was different. It never went away. It left the girl confused. Most days she spent trapped in her mind—wondering endlessly when it would ease up, because she desperately wanted it gone. Meika felt an unbearable pain in her chest, yet she had no physical wounds. The girl was physically healthy. This made Meika aggressive and incredibly reckless.  It left Meika unpredictable, she was a ticking time bomb.

Meika hated not being in control of her own emotions, Meika was out of control, she knew this. She knew she was taking her anger towards herself out on anybody and anything, but you really couldn't blame her though. Being under the control of the Red Room Meika was never allowed to feel emotions other than pain, anger and obedience. Meika was never allowed to make her own decisions, so she grew more and more confused. Meika was scared. She was alone with these invisible unbearable pains that made her weak and only eased up the more she drank. So that's what she did, she drank.

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Author Note: In this AU Yelena and Nat didn't grow up together, and Alexei and Melina didn't raise Natasha, matter of fact Yelena never existed because Yelena's character is being replaced by Meika Barnes. For the plot of the Black Widow movie Meika is Yelena and my Oc Clarissa Starkov is Natasha.

Clarissa Starkov basically has Natahsa's storyline; her mother was murdered by the Red Room and Clarissa was taken by the Red Room and began her training. Eventually Meika comes into play and Melina, Alexei, and Meika are put together on a mission. Meika isn't aware she's a super solider at this time since she's still very young. Meika was created by the Red Room with the DNA of both Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and the power of one of the infinity Stones, she was the only living subject that survived birth. Due to the power of the infinity Stone, she has Super Speed, like X-men's Peter. The Red Room injected Meika with an Aging Serum that would slow her aging down with the hope of training Meika to be the face of the Red Room as a child Assassin with increased amount of training. Eventually Clarissa escapes from the Red Room and starts her life as an Avenger, her mentors and best friends being Clint and Natasha. Years later, Clarissa takes Natassha's place and ends up dying for the soul stone after that, the plotline of Hawkeye starts.

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