Chapter 9- Immortal(s)

Start from the beginning

My daughter looked beyond murderous as she grabbed her katana, folding her wings but not putting them away, and she began walking towards Lila with nothing but power, authority, and danger.

Nino, Tim, Chloe, Alix, and Jason flanked her, the wolf behind them. The wind stopped blowing until it was just a gentle breeze, and suddenly everything became eerily silent.

At least, until Marinette spoke.

Not in English, but Italian.

She said something to Lila in a deathly calm and quiet voice, and Lila shrunk down to normal height to stand in front of her with a smug glare, and the Fox like girl said something back.

Jason growled at the villain, and Nino put a hand on his shoulder in warning, a glare of his own showing. Marinette looked emotionless, Tim mirroring her, but something told me that she was not calm inside.

Tim came to stand at his sister's left shoulder, and I could tell that that was his place with her. Always on the left, and Nino stood on her right.

Mari and Lila kept arguing, until the youngest Drake had apparently had enough and lunged for the Italian. The wolf went inside of Mari, and the two girls shifted to their wolf side and fought viciously and ruthlessly, neither holding back from the other.

The fight was over in 10 minutes, with Red Renegade pinning Lila to the bloody cement with her powerful jaws clamped around her throat, intent on killing her.

But after a moment, the assassin let go of her throat and stepped back, looking down at her with an unreadable expression. Chloe and Nino gave her a glance when she sat down, but the girl ignored them and continued to stare at Lila, until Tim came forward with a calm look, but knowing and authoritative was on his face and in his eyes.

"Hand over the Miraculous of the Mother Box, Lila Rossi. You will not be given another chance to peacefully hand the Miraculous to the Grand Guardian and Great Holder of the Miraculous. Your crimes that you shall be punished and charged with are only getting worse for you the longer you refuse to fold and surrender. This is your last chance. Return the Miraculous to the Guardian, or I shall be privileged under the order of the Guardian of the Miraculous to perform execution and behead you for your crimes that you have committed." He said, his gloved hand on the katana he had strapped to his hip.

Lila didn't move for several long moments, but eventually she shifted back to her human side and was on her knees. Marinette shifted back and joined Tim at his shoulder calmly.

We all silently watched as Rossi dismissed the akumas and took all of the miraculous off and handed them to Marinette, who let them be placed in her hands patiently and quietly.

After that was done, Tim took a few respective steps back, but still in guarding distance, clearly prepared to attack, though having a calm and relaxed form.

Not even Damian had a stance like that.

As the many jewels were placed in Tim's little sisters hands, the respective kwami came out of the jewel and sat themselves on her, Tim, Jason, Chloe, Alix, and Nino, all glaring and growling at Lila.

As soon as that was done, Mari spoke in a language that I didn't understand, but Damian, Talia, Diana, Ra's, Tim, Chloe, Nino, Alix, and the kwamis all seemed to understand.

The said understandees paled at what she said in clear fear, and Lila began to glow a bright orange, and she started screaming in pain and writhing on the cement as Mari continued to speak, followed by most of her classmates.

Tim, Chloe, Nino, and Alix stared at the Italian in pure satisfaction and pleasure at her pain, Jason joining them, and after a moment, all the screams stopped, and the girl was still at Red Renegade's boots, completely motionless.

It took me a minute to realize that Lila Rossi was dead.

The red assassin blankly stared down at the remains of the liar, and was as still as the corpse. Tim silently hugged his sister, who hugged him back, and she trembled visibly in his embrace, and they just stood there, just like that, the silence booming loud.

The large crowd of Gothamites started to disperse, and Jason went up to Joker. Tim turned his head to watch them, and I watched as they shared some words before shaking hands in agreement, and Joker started walking away. But Jason called him back, and my second eldest gave Joker a good punch to the eye, nose, and jaw, and the clown glared at him, but froze when Tim gave him his Red Ghost glare from behind Jason's shoulder, unknown to the crime boss, and the madman left quickly with the other villains.

A second later, a large swarm of ladybugs went all around Gotham, resetting everything and bringing people back to life, taking people home and healing everyone, and after it was over, I found my family and Marinette's friends in Wayne manor living room.

Tim scooped Marinette up into his arms and silently retreated upstairs, and my kids slowly trickled away after them at their own paces, all tired and all silent with the exception of yawning.

I went to my own room and simply collapsed onto my king bed, instantly falling asleep and not bothering to change out of my Batman suit or take my cowl off. I was too tired for that to care.

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