10. human attraction

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1: A male's mother's age influences his attraction to older women.

2: when a person is born to parents in their 30's he is more likely to prefer older faces, more than those born to parents in their 20's.

3: Women often prefer masculine men, and many men prefer delicate, feminine women.

4: speaking with a deeper voice helps establish dominance over the person your talking to

5: men are more attracted to women when they are more fertile.

6: One study found that oral contraceptives influenced women's opinions to feel less attractive.

7: men have an oderless testosterone in their sweat, in which when women breathe this in they give higher ratings of attractiveness to men than they would otherwise. After 15 minutes of inhaling the odor women become more alert and happy.

8: Women are perceived as more sexually receptive while wearing red. Such as, single women who wore different shades of red and posted their photos on online websites were twice as likely to be interested in casual sex than those wearing other colors.

9: singing excersizes your heart, lungs, and releases endorphins. Making you feel good.

10: women are more attracted to a man with the ability to make them laugh. Laughter strengthens relationships.

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