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Hello my little demons let's get on with this chapter

Izuku's POV 

 I got to the dorms, and went to my room and started unpacking all my stuff. Once I got everything where it needed to be I did my homework which was quite simple. I pulled out my computer and started playing minecraft.

After a little bit I heard a knock on the door. I shut my computer and put it in my bag. I walked over to my door when I opened it I was greater with almost all of class 1-A.

"Can you help us please!"

 They all yelled, I let them all in and started teaching them how to do this. As I was teaching them, everyone but Kaminari finished and thanked me. They all left and so I moved over to kaminari who was almost across my room.

"Hey kaminari why didn't you leave with everyone else"

"Oh sorry I was just wondering if I could get more help I uh… I kind of suffer from dyslexia."

"Oh ok sure what are you stuck on"

"I got the 1 question done and that's because you said it for an example the other were hard even as you were talking"

"Ok I can help you with them all"

"Alright so for this one you are gonna take all the numbers and add them together. "

"Um…" here use the paper on the side, then line the numbers up so the last numbers all line up"

 He started lining them all up and once he got that done and so I told him to take the last numbers and add them together but just them and if it get up higher than a single number you put the first number on top of the second row or numbers and the last number under the last column. Once we got through all or that I told him to tell me who many numbers there are then to divide his total he got earlier by the amount of numbers he needed help but then once I showed him a trick he figured it out really fast.

"There you go you learned how to do the mean!"

 He got the hang of this in no time and we finished the hole page it an hour.

"Good job you should be ready for tomorrow. Have a good night kaminari." 

 He left my room and I heard a knock.  I opened my door and saw Kat.

"Hey Kat what's up"

"Can you help me with the homework"

"Sure but why didn't you come when everyone else did? It's already 8."

"Because I don't need stupid extras looking down on me."

"Ok fine come in"

I was teaching Kat for 10 minutes and he started looking tired. He was fighting to keep his eyes open. I started to massage his head and he fell asleep so I finished his homework and put him in my bed. I went to my desk and started gaming for the next 6 hours.

 I looked at the clock and saw it was 1:57 am so I went to bed. I got in and covered myself in the covers. I was laying on my back and I felt the bed move. I turned my head and saw Kat had his eyes open a little and he came and laid on my chest. I felt him hug me around my chest and snuggled his face into my chest. I wrapped my hands around his waist and held him as I fell asleep.


 Hey my little demons I'm sorry that I didn't post last week at least I don't think I did. Sorry I have a really bad memory and that last few weeks I barely remember. I'm really sorry about that though but here's a short chapter sorry I didn't make it longer. 🥲😅

Word count- 650

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