Hurts the Most

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~Nichole's POV~

I had relocated to New York for a year and a half on a business opportunity that was too good to pass up, but now I was finally going back home to Busan. I was especially excited to see Jungkook. Kookie, as I liked to call him, was my on again, off again boyfriend for the past four years. Usually when we broke up, it was my own doing, but we'd always eventually find our way back way to one another. I had met him when I first moved to Busan, Korea from Houston, TX. I loved him, but I didn't always know how to show him. This past year and a half I found myself thinking about him often. That was another reason why I was so anxious to get back home. I was finally ready to commit to him; 100 percent. Now here I was on this plane anxiously awaiting the landing so that I could finally confess to him my true feelings. He was the one picking me up from the airport.

~30 Minutes Later~

I found my luggage and began walking towards the exit. I searched the area he said he'd be in before my eyes finally landed on him. I smiled a dimpled smile at the sight of him. He was still just as gorgeous as the last time I saw him. He was wearing a black buttoned-down shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It looked like he had some new ink done, like a sleeve perhaps. He also had on dark grey jeans, and black Timbs. He seemed to have cut his hair short with an under shave. As I made my way over to him, he flashed that gorgeous bunny smile that always made me weak in the knees.

"Hey," I spoke as I stood in front of him, returning the smile.

"Hey," he replied back as he embraced me in a quick hug. He smelled so good. When we let go, he kissed my forehead just as I was about to go for a kiss on the lips. It was quite awkward to be honest. I had a slight blush on my face from the embarrassment, but I shrugged it off.

"You ready to go?" he questioned while taking my bags from me.

"Yeah, I guess so," I stated in response as we headed out the doors to his car. He opened my door for me and closed it once I was all the way in. Always the gentleman. He walked to the driver side and got in. Once he was strapped into his seat belt, he drove off. There was an uncomfortable silence as we rode for some reason. I could sense something was off, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"You're awfully quiet. Is something wrong?" I questioned, no longer being able to take the silence. He glanced over at me, and I could see in his eyes there was something he wanted to say to me. After a few more minutes of silence, he finally spoke.

"I do have something to tell you Nichole, but I'm not quite sure how to," he started.

"Just say it," I urged.

"Things have changed, you know. They're not the same," were the words he spoke to me. I felt as though my heart was about to explode. Was he really saying what I thought he was saying?

"Recently, I found someone that I decided to dedicate my whole life to, so whatever we had has got to be over," he confessed as I felt my heart break into a million and one tiny pieces.

My eyes immediately began to water. He noticed and turned away from me so that he couldn't see them fall. That's exactly what they did once his head was turned. I looked over at his hands on the steering wheel, and that's when I saw the wedding band on his ring finger of his left hand. The tears fell even faster at my discovery. I quickly wiped them away, refusing to keep crying in front of him.

"I'm sorry Nichole. I should have told you before now, but I wasn't sure how to do that. I never wanted to hurt you, but it's just something that happened. I met her about 2 months after you left town. We went on a few dates before becoming an item. Before long, I found myself falling in love with her. I popped the question, and she said yes. We didn't want to plan a wedding, so we just decided to elope. That was two months ago," he confessed.

Hurts the Most [Jungkook FF]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant