How It Should Of Went

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"Oh today is going wonderful my wedding in tomorrow and I'll finally forever be with my love! Oh Jamie isn't this wonderful!" I said as I fell onto the bed and looked at my best friend. "Yep! Tomorrow will be the best day of your life and I'll make sure of it! Anny with be shocked with tears at how beautiful you will be in your dress!" Jamie said, oh how much I love my best friend and how their always there for me! I mean she has been with me since day one and will also stay by my 
A friendship that has lasted till my marriage is amazing.

Nothing can go wrong here can it? My life has been so happy! And my life will be fulfilled when I say yes to the love of my life!

(The next day)

"TODAY IS THE DAY JAMIE!!!!! ITS THE DAY IM SO EXITED oh my goodness I gotta calm down But I Can't!!!! It's my wedding day oh my gods!" I said extremely excited, "YAY MY BEST FRIEND IS GETTING MARRIED!!!!!" Jamie yelled happy for me. "Oh gosh Jamie can you help me the dress is a bit hard to get on by myself" I said. "Yep! Gosh this is going to be the best day I ever witnessed with you!" Jamie said as she help me get into my dress, "Hehe I'm not at all stressed or worried about anything because I have you here and I also have the love of my life with me so what could go wrong?" I giggled happily.


"Do you, Y/n Traveler take, Anny Rosalin to be your wife?" "I do!" "And do you, Anny Rosalin take, Y/n Traveler to be your wife?" "I do" "and with the power of are gods above may bless this wedding! You may now kiss the bride"( shup up I don't know how weddings work >:() as my now wife gave me a kiss I was to happy to even think twice!

The love of my life is now my wife! FINALLY!! Oh how life is treating me with luxury! I have everything in the world I want in this beautiful world! Thank the gods for this! My life is fully complete everything is perfect!

I can be happy now....happy....

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