Till forver falls apart

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"I don't want to go" he whimpers. "I don't wanna go sir please" he cries out, holding onto Tony's body for dear life. "Please I don't wanna go.. I don't wanna go"

You close your eyes unable to look at it anymore.

"I'm sorry" Peter says softly.

Once you open your eyes. Only you, Tony and the robotic girl is left. You hear nothing but heavy breathing and the deathly silence as the three of you look at each other.

"What just happened?" You choke out. "Where did they go?"

"He did it" the girl says.

And suddenly the whole world went quiet.. there was nothing left to be said. You didn't know who was alive and who were long gone. Alone on an isolated planet in the middle of the galaxy with no idea how to get back. You had an aircraft, but what use would it be if you didn't know how to come home.. and even if you did without the right space craft it would take years. And all you longed for was to see Loki again..

"We need to go" she says as she reaches down her hand helping you up.

"You knew him.. you know Thanos" you stammer.

"He's my father.. I'm Nebula" she introduces.

"How can we trust you.. you knew he's plan all along and only know you've come to help.. it to late" you hiss.

"My sister and I spent years trying to stop him.. there was nothing we could have done.." she sighs. "I just want to help you get back home"


He looks up at you, his eyes are red and puffy.
"I don't know what to tell you right now Jones.." he admits. "We lost okay.. I lost"

"There's food and water on the ship.. it won't be enough to last us the trip home.. but at least we can find help" she claims. "You don't have much other choice than to trust my word"

You nod your head. Wrapping your arm around Tony's waist as you help him up on his feet once more. His wound is in bad condition. You'll need medical help if he was gonna last more than a week. "Come on Tony.. it's our only shot" you whisper. Helping him on board the plane.

You follow Nebula on board, as she starts the engine.
"Where too?" She asks softly.

Tony gives her the coordinates to the compound, as she types them in.. you walk up beside her noticing the time of destination..thirty three days and two hours.. that couldn't be real.

"We can't last that long without water and food!" You point out.

"I know.. hopefully we'll find another ship along the way. Maybe they can help us" she states.

"So that's our plan.. luck?" You groan.

"It's all we've got" she sighs.

"Alright then what should we kill the time with?" You ask, looking around for any ideas.

"I know a game" Tony smiles.

You take turns coming up with different topics to discuss. Games to play. Just overall trying to pass time. You and Tony share the food on board, along with a small cup of water. But there's not nearly enough for more than a month.. You tried the best you could to keep your head up. You weren't as impacted by the hunger as Tony. He slept a lot, trying to pass time. You would use some of the water to clean up his wound. And nebula had some fantastic technology to help the healing process along.. It was healing slowly. But there was absolutely nothing to be done but wait..

And you waited..

And waited.

But all there were was darkness. No spaceships. Nothing you were just alone on a small ship. I'm the middle of fucking nowhere.. starring into the literal void of space... Tony got skinnier and weaker for each day that passed. And so did you.. you would constantly work together with Tony and Nebula to see if you could create a power source out of the scraps to find a way to get to earth at a quicker rate. But so far nothing had worked.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon