You turn to look at her, as your heart skips a beat. "Wait you know Thor and Loki.. are they alive?" You ask eagerly.

"Yeah they're fine.."

"Where are they now?" You ask desperately.

"They went to earth.. looking for someone"'he explains.

They went back for you.. and you're not even there.. but most importantly.. they're alive. And that's all you need for now.

"So... could we call this a truce" you chuckle nervously. Everyone nods as they take a step back from each other. "I'm y/n by the way" you smile softly introducing yourself.

"You're the woman Thor and Loki told us about" the woman says.. "I'm Mantis.." she smiles. "This is starlord and Drax" she introduces..

What the hell was it with everyone and needing cool quirky superhero names nowadays

"Do you have any idea where we are?" You ask, as you take a step outside the spaceship. The planet you're on is in ruins.

"We're on Titan.. this was his home" the man explains as he looks around.

"We still have the advantage.. Thanos is coming for us. We'll use it" Tony says confidently. "I have a plan"

You turn to look at him waiting for an explanation.

"It's a simple one.. we're seven up against him. We wait here, draw him in. Pin him down, get what we need" Tony says. "We just need that Gaunlet." Tony adds.

You turn around watching as one of the strangers yawn uncontrollably. "Are you yawning right now.. seriously?" You groan, angrily, throwing a rock at him.. You only had this one chance.

"In the middle of This, while I'm breaking it down huh?" Tony interferes. "Did you hear what I said?" He asks angrily.

"I stopped listening after you said we need a plan" Drax admits.

"You see not winging it.. isn't really what we do" Starlord says honestly..

"And what exactly do they do?" You scoff, looking at them with your brows furrowed.

"Kick name, take ass" Mantis says proudly.

You roll your eyes at her answer.. god this was hopeless.

Tony takes a deep breath. "Alright just get over here" Tony sighs. "Mister lord can you get your folks to listen just for a minute?"

"Starlord is fine" he corrects him. He waves his hand. As you gather around Tony.

"We gotta lay this out, cause if we all come at him-"

"Alright let's do this instead.. I like your plan. Expect it sucks, so let me do the plan, and that way it might be really good" he interrupts.

"I give up, we might as well do it ourselves.." you sigh. "He's an idiot" you whisper to Tony.

"Hey don't forget that I'm half human, so that fifty percent of me that's stupid.. that's a hundred percent of you" He says confidently.

"Your math is blowing my mind" you hiss.

"Excuse me" Mantis says softly, turning to look at you. "But does your friend often do that?" She asks.

You all turn to look at Stephen, as the time stone glows a bright green color from his chest. His body almost seems to be flickering. While he floats in the air.

"Stephen?" You ask nervously.

He doesn't answer you, he looks like an old computer game glitching. As his head twists and turns in different directions.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now