"When I came into the possession of the Sceptor.. I didn't just find it.. it was gifted to me in exchange for something.." Loki states, looking down at the ground barely able to look you in the eye.

"In exchange for what?"

"I was to retrieve the tesseract for him.. and in return he would help me find you..he's one of the most powerful beings in the universe.. and if he gets a hold of these stones.. what happened back in New York will be the nothing compared to his plan" Loki explains to you, there's so much fear in his voice.. in ways you had never experienced before.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You ask softly.. after everything you went through he was still keeping severest from you.

"Because the tesseract is safe here.. there was no need to worry" Loki exclaims.

"And what if he comes here..?" You ask nervously..

"He won't-"

"But what if he does?"

"Y/n is right.. it would be in our best interest to take the tesseract off Asgard.. find somewhere in the galaxy and hide it.. I've heard tales of what he does to planets.. If he wants the tesseract he'll get it, no matter who he has to kill to get it." Thor says.. you feel your heart skip a beat.. "I have a ship, we could leave in the evening" Thor proposes.

"I'm not going onboard a ship with you two ever again" you chuckle trying to cheer up the mood. Last time you were on a ship with them, they fought the whole way there. "

"I don't think we have much of a choice.. I've seen what he's done to other planets.. slaughtered half the population, reeking war and death.."

"So what we just dump it somewhere in space?" Loki scoffs, clearly not impressed by his plan.

"No... I have just the place.. it should only take us a couple of days, and once it's done.. hopefully we have bought ourselves some time." Thor assures you.

"Why don't we just take the bifrost?" You question.

"Every time the bifrost is used it brings more attention to Asgard.. we have to do this the old fashioned way" Thor answers.

"Alright... when are we leaving?" You ask, standing up. Guess there was no other way.

"Maybe you shouldn't.." Loki says softly. "It could be dangerous, and I don't want to risk anything"

"Are you serious?"


"You seriously think I'm gonna let you do this alone.. you'll need all the help you can get.. I'm going and I think we should ask Heimdall as well" you say confidently. "I'm going"

Loki looks down at the ground, shaking his head softly.. "please-"

"Why don't you want me to come?" You ask angrily.

"Because I can't loose you y/n!" Loki yells. "And if something goes wrong.. and you get hurt. That's on me" Loki says quietly.

"It won't.. whoever that man is has no idea we're going there.. let's just do this together. As a team!" You smile grabbing onto Lokis hand..

"Fine.. when are we leaving?" Loki asks Thor.

"Tonight.. I'll talk to Heimdall. Loki you'll get us through the passage. Y/n you'll go get the tesseract from the vault. Everyone clear?" Thor asks.

Both you and Loki nods your head. You grab his hand as he follows you back to your room. You just need to lay down for a second, it wasn't like you weren't used to crazy things like this happening. Yet this seemed to have strings leading all the way back to the attack on New York.. and watching the feat in Lokis eyes made you feel terrible.


"Yeah?" He answers, sitting down beside you.

"Why don't you want me to come..?" You ask him, grabbing onto his hand.

"I just don't.. I was tortured, for weeks on end.. he'll tear you apart. He uses the things you love against you. And if you're there.. and he touches you.. I just-" Loki sighs.. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself" Loki admits.

"Why have you never told me?"

"I never thought I'd hear of him again.. I failed him. And the price for failing him is not one I'm willing to pay" Loki stammers.

"Nothing bad is gonna happen Loki.. we're just gonna dump that rock somewhere safe. Go back home and it'll be like nothing ever happened" you assure him, tugging his hand.

"Okay.. fine" Loki scoffs, letting go of you hand leaving the bedroom.

You sit alone for a second just taking it all in. Letting all your emotions sink in. You go to your closet removing the floorboard taking out your old bag. You hoped so deeply you'd never have to use it again, yet you kept it, cause something inside of you knew you'd have to.

So you get dressed, like you've done so many times before. Tie your hair up in a bun. Then you walk down to the vault, getting the tesseract. As you walk back upstairs you see your little team gathered. And if something goes sideways you know you'll Always have them.

You get on board, handing Loki the tesseract, better off with him than you. You had been in many times of ships before. But it was your first time in literal spaceship. You felt sick as it flew through the atmosphere. You stand in silence looking out over the darkness that slowly closes in on you...

Loki successfully got you through the passage, and flying safely on your way towards Thors hiding place. It would be some long days, but you had everything you needed on you. Loki keeps walking around like a lunatic, while Thor and Heimdall bantered. You just stand in silence looking out over the galaxy.

"Is that supposed to happen?" You question. You can barely see anything.

Loki, thor and Heimdall stands beside you as the look up.

"It's him.." Loki chokes out in fear.

All four of you stand paralyzed with fear as the darkness consumes you, till the only light lefts is the lights from the spaceship in front of you.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now