You and Natasha arrive alongside T'Challa. Tony had been quick forming his own little team. Including two you hadn't been introduced to yet. The vision.. and a spider guy... Tony lays out the ground plan. Reassuring you he'll go in first, try to talk some sense into Steve.. and if it doesn't work.. you all had to be prepared to fight. Tony and Rhodes put on their suites before flying in. You hold onto Natashas hand, feeling as the sweat drips down from your forehead.

"Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday"

"And there are four more super soldiers just like him.. I can't let the doctor get to them first.. I just can't Tony"

After a few minutes of listening to them discuss. you and Nat walk out.

"Steve" you say softly. He turns to look at you. You can see the disappointment on his face as he spots you and Natasha.

"You know what's about to happen.. so you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Natasha asks.

"Please Steve.. we'll figure something out I promise okay.. I wouldn't let Bucky get hurt" you assure him.

"I thought you were going home.." he says disappointed.

"You guys are my home.. are you really gonna make me choose a side?" You ask sadly.

"It seems you already have"

"Alright.. I've run out of patience.. underoos!" Tony calls out.

And with the blink of an eye the new recruit, grabs caps shield with his spiderweb. Landing on top of vehicle.

"Nice job kid!"

"Thanks" The kid says happily. "I could have struck the landing a little better, it's just the new suit.. wait it's nothing Mr stark. It's perfect thank you" he says awkwardly.

You can help but laugh a little.. Tony literally brought in a kid for a mission..

"You've been busy I see" Steve scoffs..

"And you've been a complete idiot!" Tony hisses. "Dragging in Clint.. rescuing Wanda from a place she didn't even want to leave.. a safe place.." Tony spits out angrily.

"And what about you?" Steve asks. "Getting y/n to fight your battle when she's clearly not interested in being a part of it.. and recruiting a kid"

"I'm trying to keep-" Tony  yells. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the avengers apart"

"You did that when you signed" Steve says coldly.

"I'm done.. you're gonna turn Barnes over, and you're gonna come with us now!" Tony hisses again. "Because it's us-"

"Tony" you say softly..

"Come on cap" he calms down. "Please don't do this"

Suddenly you hear a crash, as you turn around the kid is on the ground, as a man dressed in weird looking suit, throws Steve the shield.

"Alright there's two on the parking deck.. looks like Wanda and Clint.." Tony says, as he flies off.

"I've got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes." Rhodey adds.

Before you can even do anything, people are running around, trying to stop each other. As you and Natasha tries to find out what part you have in this mess.

Suddenly you hear a mufflers sound behind you, as you catch a fist from the guy in the weird looking suit.

"Who even are you?"

"I'm Scott.. you might know me a Ant-man" he says softly.

"Hmm.. never heard of you" you sigh. As you twist his arm. Suddenly he disappears. Throwing you to the ground. You press the button on your suit, sending a tiny version of him, flying through the air.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now