daddy daughter day

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timothèe's pov:

Today was taking my beautiful daughter Bella out. I hadn't spent much time with her since I've been filming dune then doing press tours and interviews as well as other events. I missed spending time with her and Y/N so I was happy we finally had the summer to spend altogether.

When I asked her where she wanted to go she said she wanted to go to the park. It was her favourite place of all. The perfect place to go on a hot summers day like today. I slowly approached her bedroom door as I called out her name. "Bella!" "Yes!" I walked into her bedroom.
"Come on my love are you ready now?" "Yes hurry up before the ice cream van goes!"
"okay okay!"
She ran off down the long staircase and towards the door as I hurried after her.
"OPEN THE DOOR!" she shouted as I caught up to her. I opened the door and unlocked the car as Bella opened the door. I buckled her up as she giggled then we set off.

"Daddy!" Bella shouted. "Yes my love" "Can we turn the radio on?" She asked. "Of course!"

As I switched on a random radio station, Bella began jumping up and down in her car seat and singing along to all the words. She was just like Y/N when we used to go out together. I'd drive and she'd always switch the radio stations  until she found a song she liked. Then she'd start singing along to it with a smile beaming on her beautiful face.

"Daddy!" Bella said as I began drifting off thinking about Y/N. "Yes gorgeous" I replied back. "Are we almost there yet?" She pouted. "Almost Bella just 2 more minutes" "UGH this is SO boring" she sighed as she rolled her eyes. I giggled at her response. "I can just drive you back if you prefer" I said. "NOO" she shouted as I chuckled even more.

After a few more minutes we had finally parked up and were ready to spend a day in the glorious sunshine together.

Bella jumped out the car and ran towards the swings before I could catch up to her.

"Daddy! Push me!" She said as she tried to get up onto the swing. I grabbed her by the waist and helped her up onto the swing before I began to push her. After a while she began to get bored so I helped her back down and she took my hand dragging me towards the gate out the playground.

We walked along the pebbled pathway taking in the scenic view. "OMG!" she suddenly exclaimed at the top of her lungs, "THAT DOG IS SO CUTE!" she pointed over to a fluffy white dog. The owner noticed how excited she was and offered for her to pet it. She bent down and went onto her knees. Gently, she stroked the adorable dog as it was now lying on it's stomach.

"Daddy I'm hungry" Bella whined. "Wanna go get pizza?" I asked with a smirk on my face knowing she loved this pizza shop not far for here. "Yes!" she exclaimed excitedly as she took my hand again and we began walking out of the park onto one of the busy streets of New York. We turned the corner and before we knew it we were outside the pizza shop.

A server greeted us at the doorway and instructed us to choose a table and call someone over when we were ready to order. I let Bella pick the table and she chose on by the window since she loved looking at the bustling streets.

"So what are you going to order my love?" I grinned. "I want cheese pizza daddy." "Okay"

I smiled at the waiter who greeted us on our way in as she approached our table.

"Hi! What can I get you guys?" She asked.
"I'll have one cheese pizza for the little girl there and for me I'll have pepperoni. Also can we get two drinks and some fries?"

"Sure you'll food will be ready soon" she said as she looked up from her notepad and gave a small smile. "Thank you!" I responded as she walked off.

After a few minutes our food finally arrived and  to say Bella looked excited was an understatement.

"Daddy" she said with a mouth full of cheese pizza.
"Yes my love."
"I missed you so much when you were gone working and I love mommy but she's boring sometimes I missed you soo much" she said gulping down a sip of her fizzy drink.

"I missed you too Bella," I replied, "But I'm back now and we can spend as much time as you want together my lovely."

She smiled before stuffing her mouth with more pizza.

After a while we were headed back in the car driving through the busy city. I turned my head to see Bella drifting fast asleep in the backseat. She had a beautiful lock of curly Y/H/C hanging infront of her face. Her lips were slightly separated leaving a small gap and she had beautiful rosy chubby cheeks.

I carefully carried her back into the house and entered her room before carefully placing her down in her bed. As I placed the bedsheet over her, tucking her in, I heard her mumble "goodnight daddy"

"Goodnight Bella" I whispered before quietly closing the door behind me..

913 words
A/N: so uh please don't come for me this is my first ever time writing an imagine 😅
Feel free to drop a comment about what you thought of the story or any requests or ideas!
I love u so much

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