𝟬𝟮𝟳. miami cat fights

Start from the beginning

But that was most likely the dampened mood she had ever since that post had gone up last night. If she was being honest, she knew it was her fault that her and Charles had been spotted. She'd preferred a restaurant meal instead of a hotel meal to switch it up.

Iris would've had a much quieter life this morning if she had done that.

Most photographers wanted to get a quick picture of her as she walked through the paddock. Many wondering why Charles had not been by her side. Maybe it was a rough patch already. Some had thought.

Charles and Iris were going through no rough patch, maybe they'd be considered to be going through their honeymoon period. Where they felt as though nothing bad could happen to them inside their little bubble (of course, outside of the bubble was a different story)

Iris and Charles weren't even a proper couple! They were navigating their way through life, together, and working at their own pace.

Charles didn't care what people said a lot of the time. Being in formula one and driving for Ferrari usually meant he got a lot of stick. And considering where the team had been previously, it was obvious why. And people had a lot to say this season, Charles didn't listen to it because he knew he couldn't. If he became too fixated on what people were saying and their critiques, he wouldn't be able to get into his car every race weekend. Charles had to focus on himself and what he thinks, not what they think.

Iris, didn't. Sometimes she'd be fine and comments wouldn't get to her. She'd learnt the tough way, via Scotty, how to ignore unnecessary comments. But sometimes she can slip and get caught up in reading them and focus too much on other peoples opinions.

But Iris made a promise to herself to let it happen again. And knew this time around instead of Scotty she had Charles. Who would never tell her that her feelings don't matter.

Martin Brundle enjoyed his grid walks. Even if at previous occasions he had been shunned or ignored, he still loved them. And viewers often did too.

He often enjoyed backing many celebrities in to a corner, asking them questions he knew they didn't have an answer to. Watching them stumble on which driver they support as they could only name about half the grid.

God he loved it. He wouldn't give it up for the world! It enabled him to talk to anyone and everyone. Some would have a stiff upper lip, some where there to enjoy themself. And some were simply there for some form of after party.

Today in Miami he'd already spoken to some previous f1 champions and DJ Khaled. And as he walked further down the grid he spotted a crowd around Scotty, who was standing beside the Red Bull of Max Verstappen.

Martin didn't particularly like crowds. There had been one by Venus Williams and it had been a very awkward conversation between them. Martin also didn't really know what Scotty did! Was he a musician, footballer? Who knew!

But for some reason Scotty was getting screen time. Sky had labeled him as an 'Influencer' but that was a loose term these days.

"Scotty!" Martin put on his best smile, undoubtedly about engage in an awkward conversation. "How are you doing? Who are you here to support today?" It was pretty odd, actually. He was stood next to a red-bull but spotted a Ferrari cap and red shoes. Martin didn't know if the shoes had any connected but he sure thought they did.

As the lens turned to Scotty, a smirk was on his face. "I mean, since I was a little boy, Ferrari were always my team." Liar. "I really hope it goes well for them today and a Charles win would just be a cherry on top."

Martin had really walked past Shawn Mendes for this conversation. "Well, that is lovely! I hope it goes well for you today."

"Oh, me too." Scotty smirked, shaking Martin's hand before the much taller man left the presenter and walked towards Charles' car.

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