𝟬𝟬𝟱. when ex's come face to face

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act one chapter five.

HAVE YOU EVER CAME FACE TO FACE WITH AN EX? Cause Charles never had, not until today of course. And for some reason he was anxious. He hadn't seen CHARLOTTE SINE since the night they had decided to end their short lived relationship.

It was a mutual decision but it still wouldn't make the meeting any less awkward.

Charles couldn't really pin point the moment he realized this relationship wasn't going to work, but ever since January the couple had been making excuses to not see each other.

Some people just aren't meant to be. Charlotte and Charles were lucky to acknowledge this early on or else who knows how unhappy they'd be by now.

Charles could only ever sing praises of Charlotte, she had done nothing wrong. In other terms she was essentially perfect, just not the fit perfect for Charles.

Their schedules often clashed, constantly being in the same country but never finding the time to be there for the other.

Charles couldn't help but feel guilty, almost as if his schedule had been the problem. His mother, PASCALE, had always told him he was married off to the sport. That in his mind it was always formula one first, and then training and then Charlotte.

This seed being planted in his mind meant he thought about all the times he had blown off Charlotte to train, or help his brother - Arthur. And after all his thinking he decided relationships weren't for him, he was better off alone.

His older brother Lorenzo strongly disagreed. Seeing his younger brother all mopey and focusing on the sport was draining Charles, slowly but surely. It didn't have to be a girlfriend but Charles needed someone at his side, to show him what life had to offer outside of formula 1.

Unfortunately, his meeting was Charlotte made him want to retreat back into a little hole and never come out of it again. It was so awkward. Every so often they'd catch the other staring at them, responding with a small smile.

It also made Charles realized just how much Charlotte had in his house. That's when he decided to help her pack, and considering he travels the world for at least half of the year Charles Leclerc was horrific at packing.

Charlotte had to hide her laughter as he attempted to slot a pair of jeans down the side of the box instead of simply folding them and placing them on the top. "Here, let me help." She told him, concealing her laughter with a smile.

But Charles could see straight through her, after having been together for just under a year. "You can laugh you know." He encouraged the humor in an attempt to clear the awkwardness in the air. Granted, it seemed to be decreasing second by second as they learnt to laugh about their situation.

"Laugh at what?" She innocently asked, "The fact you still haven't learnt to pack?"

Charles smiled. He was grateful the pair of them could enjoy something like this again, that although the relationship hadn't worked out between them, a friendship could. It was nice to know he had her in his corner.

On the other side of town, Iris was doing her weekly food shop. (On a Wednesday). Tonight she had planned to cook for Mick, meaning she had searched Heaven and Earth just for a simple recipe.

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