With that, I stood up, catching a better sight of who that was. I barely recognized him in that police outfit, but it was Disco Bear! He handcuffed both Lifty and Shifty, causing them to groan in annoyance "Man, you two never get caught, but that all changes today, because your..." He stopped, snapping his fingers and winking "Under Arrest!" He finished in a 'Cool' manner. Lifty and Shifty rolled around on the floor, struggling to get up "Ugh! Come on, Dude! You suck!" Lifty spat. Disco Bear placed his hands on his hips and shook his head in disappointment "I don't take any offence from that. I will drive you to jail faster than a train reaching the next station!" He said acting 'Cool' again "DUDE! YOU LITERALLY SUCK!" Shifty added. Aww, can't they at least appreciate that he's trying? The poor bear is probably practicing on robbers to make friends, I'll definitely talk to him at some point. I just Hope Cuddles was alright, I really wanted to see him today and I think it might rain.

Before we could do anything else, We hear ANOTHER Alarm go off, but it's not just any alarm...it's a siren...and that siren is not linked to this building whatsoever. We all turned our heads towards the entrance to the place and saw a large tornado that looked to be only 50 feet away while lighting struck multiple times! I screamed and fell backwards, hitting the floor. Lumpy ran outside the doors and motioned for more people to come inside for safety. I creeped my way to the far back of the store, visualizing some of the mess that the two robbers made, but I continued to hide anyway. I covered my face and swayed side to side, mumbling compliments to myself, hoping I could make myself feel better. Sadly, it didn't work as I only panicked more. This is more than rain, IT'S A FULL ON NATURAL DISASTER!! I felt a hand/paw touch my shoulder lightly, making me jump and quiver, but I looked up to become face to face with Mime. He smiled as his tail wagged, he shaped a balloon into a heart and handed it to me, I gladly took it and thanked him. I wasn't a big fan of clowns OR Mimes, but this deer right here stuck with me for the rest of the time, but as the storm went on and on, the more scared I got. I would grab his sleeve, Hug him tightly, heck, I would even play with his deer tail as a distraction for my worries, and he somewhat didn't mind it all.

We were now playing a game with each other, since I brought my notebook, and we played tic tac toe with a pencil drawing after each other, I was 'X' and Mime was 'O'. He kept beating me! Before I could complain, Cuddles appeared out of nowhwere and separated us, he hugged me tightly "Hi N/n!" He greeted, I was surprised that he called me that, that was new! Excited and relieved, I hugged him back "Hi Cuddles!! Oh thank goodness your here, I was so scared! I'm so glad your okay." I squeezed him tighter, afraid to let go "O-Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't..I be?" He struggled to breathe, I realized how tight I was squeezing him and let go, allowing him to take a huge gasp for air. He glanced over at Mime, then me "I can see that your..spending time with Mime." He smiled, I thought I seen his eye twitch "Oh! Yeah, I am! He's really fun once you get to know him!" I replied "Yeah..'Fun'." He mimicked my voice at the end, I was not enjoying his sudden change in his mood. It's like he was annoyed from the fact that I had a partner during this chaos that ISN'T Cuddles himself. All Mime did was throw it off with a smug look on his face, irritating Cuddles much more, but before a fight could be created, I broke it up by offering a game of hot potato. We all agreed to play it together.

We used an actual potato because Lumpy insisted to let us get one. We sat down, just the 3 of us "I'll go first!" I offered, they nodded their head, Cuddles though, gave this sly look for some reason..Hmm. I tossed the potato to Cuddles, and he tossed it to Mime, then he tossed it to me. We tossed it around to each other for a bit, before it got back to Mime again. Mime was about to toss it to me, until Cuddles randomly Tumbled on top of Mime, making him drop the potato. "Oops! My mistake! I must've dozed off for a moment. Just a power nap." He apologized, Mime forgave him and we continued to play the game. As we passed it to each other one by one, Cuddles, again, tumbled on top of Mime when he had the potato, making him drop it..again.."Aww! Not again! Sorry, I thought I saw a bug!" He played it off, Mime forgave him again as we continued to play the game. It happened time after time after time, Cuddles tumbled, jumped, rolled, many more. It annoyed me enough to the point I suggested we did something else. Now that you start to think about it, was he jealous about the time me and Mime was spending together? He seems to be pretty skeptical about the Deer being around unless he wants me completely to himself. That would be a tad bit ridiculous...Wouldn't it be?

"Our Relationship Never Hops Away!" 🥕 Cuddles x Reader (HTF)Where stories live. Discover now