□ Learn the language and use it well.

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□ Learn the language and use it well.

8:00 AM, Christmas Eve

"Where's my mom?"

"Hey, good morning," Gabriel said, looking over his shoulder. He saw Fi saunter into the dining area, disheveled hair and all. She took her usual spot at the table and began tying her hair.

"G'morning, Gabe."

"Your mom went to the market to buy something."

"What, you mean the food in this house isn't enough to feed a village?"

He laughed and almost dropped the piece of tapa he was lifting out of the pan with a pair of tongs. "Nae mari," he agreed, neatly putting the portions of cooked meat on two separate plates. He placed a cup of fried rice each on the plates and topped them with a fried egg. Sunny-side up, well done. Just the way Fi liked it.

"Did my mom tell you to take over the kitchen?"

"Hmm, actually—" Gabriel turned around, a plate in each hand. "I volunteered to cook breakfast today."

Fi's eyes lit up all of a sudden. If it was because she just realized he was wearing her mother's pastel-pink apron, or because the food was ready, he wasn't sure.

"Wow. You should wear pink more often."

Ah. Pink apron it is.

"Duly noted, Ms. Legaspi," he said as he put a breakfast plate in front of her. He took in the expression on her face and figured she was a little suspicious about... all this. "Don't worry. I do know how to cook, you know. I've been living alone for years."

She smirked at him. "Did I say anything?"

"No, but you were thinking it." He returned to the counter to pour some freshly made hot chocolate in two cups. He'd liked the process of making tsokolate de batirol so much, he offered to do it for Fi's mom every day since he learned it. Maybe he should buy tablea and bring it with him to Seoul. A sweet reminder of Diana's approval of him pursuing her daughter.

"Fair enough."

"The dishes are easy enough to make, Fi. Did you really think I'm not capable of frying things?" He put her cup of hot chocolate beside her plate, then settled into the chair across from her.

"Fine. Won't we wait for Mom, though?"

"I... lied—she's actually taking a break right now." Gabriel took his apron off and put it aside. "I gave her an early Christmas present."

She shot him a curious look.

"Spa services at nearby hotel. And buffet breakfast. She'll be back by—" He looked at his watch. "Lunchtime. And she has two friends with her so she wouldn't be lonely."

"Wah. You planned this, didn't you?"

"She'll be fine, Fi. Kain na tayo."

He caught her jerking an eyebrow before the corners of her lips turned up in a smile. Was she impressed at his enunciation? He'd practiced a lot with Carlos' help.

"I see you've been learning Filipino. Is it Carl's idea?"

Gabriel only shrugged and picked up his spoon and fork so he could begin eating. "Jal meogora," he said with a gentle nod.

They ate in silence for a little while and let the noises outside become their music. Silver hitting porcelain mixed with the roaring of tricycles, the shrill yip of the neighbor's dog, and a low voice yelling "Tahoooooo!" made Gabriel smile. In several more hours, he would be hearing someone call out "Balut! Penoy! Charon!" as well as children singing Christmas carols, all while playing instruments made of discarded bottle caps and milk cans.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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