Purpled stood awkwardly in the office, waiting for the student to finish talking to the receptionist. He had finished registering into the school even though the principal had no idea where the location on his ID was, he kept reassuring him that it was a real city. His neighbourhood was pretty small and under wraps so he tried his best to explain.

"Okay, ready to see the school?" Hannah smiled, Xisuma had specifically called her down to the office to show Purpled around. "I promise it's not as scary as it looks."

"Uh, yeah," Purpled nodded, he never talked to any other student before and his first-day nerves were kicking in.

"So, over there's the trophy case, we're the best of the best here. Over there are the lockers, I'm sure they gave you one and if you look outside the window..."

Purpled began to space out, he didn't want to be rude or anything but listening to someone explain stuff to him was not the most fun thing in the world. Even with a glance at the school, he could probably tell where and what everything was. Except for the office, he for some reason couldn't find it and embarrassingly had to have Mr. Xisuma direct him. The school was surprisingly large, the gym was huge, most classrooms looked like they could fit a hundred people and the cafeteria was insanely detailed. Purpled was beginning to feel like this was some rich kid school he somehow managed to get into. Mr. Xisuma had never even asked him to pay or asked for his parent's money, he just simply joined. It was a weird feeling for Purpled, him just randomly joining some school he found in the middle of nowhere, but who was he to complain? He lost basically all his belongings and was far from home, the school seemed like the safest place.

Hannah continued the tour, showcasing more classrooms and hallways that were endlessly filled with lockers. It made him curious, how many students went to this school? There was so much room for everyone to fit in but most schools barely passed a thousand or just hit two thousand if lucky. The whole school felt like a castle, all the walls were designed beautifully, and the outdoors seemed nothing more than stunning scenery. Perhaps it was the fact that the school was near nothing else (as Purpled was aware) that they were able to expand so much. But it must have been incredibly costly to build something like this, especially for a school. Public schools never got good attention from the government, what made this school so special?

Earlier, Purpled was given a chance to ask a few questions. He was curious about the school's history and how it was built. Though the principal had gotten busy, Mr. Xisuma was more than happy to answer them. He learnt that the school is actually one in multiple other sets of similar schools that were within the "area". Wherever the "area" was exactly, there was no sight of any other building from what Purpled determined. The schools were all built with the best intentions of teaching the younger generation, which Purpled thought was a generic statement that all schools used. He began to be confused when Mr. Xisuma started going on about the different kinds of subjects as he enrolled Purpled into the "BW section", whatever it was, it sounded pretty cool to him. Students had exactly four subjects per day to study but you could choose up to three to "main", Purpled thought that was a funny term. He decided that he would take three BW courses and one SW course because the names were similar. Mr. Xisuma also explained how each course was heavy training if Purpled was fine with that, but the teen didn't mind, he got enough exercise to hold himself. With no one to talk to, it was pretty easy to find distractions to get yourself through the day.

Mr. Xisuma went off on a small tangent about a new school that recently was created. He didn't say the name but it piqued Purpled's curiosity with how the vice principal was describing it. A school completely dedicated to strong students? What did that even mean? Was it like the AP courses he took back at his home? Mr. Xisuma had used the term "SMP" but Purpled couldn't exactly figure out what it stood for. The school sounded pretty cool from the way Mr. Xisuma talked about it, Purpled started hoping he ended up at that school instead of Hypixel. He felt like he was pretty strong to go to a specialized school.

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