Next day ..




"Uhm.. at the party, was it you? Are you the one I kissed?" Y/n nervously asked

"What answer would you like to hear?" Lia smirks

"Yes? I would feel relieved if it's you" Y/n said

"Because I'm your ex?" Lia crossed her arms

"Obviously! I don't want to kiss a stranger or I'll catch some disease, my parents will disown me!"

"We kissed but just quick" Lia lied and Y/n sighed in relief

"Is this a goodbye hang out? Are you really gonna go back to London?"

"Sadly, yes.." Y/n looks down

"Ahhh I will miss you!!" Lia hugs her

Next day ...

"So what's the occasion?" Momo asked

"The occasion is to have fun!" Y/n grinned

"No for real, guys. What did you two talked about?" Momo asked again

"Babycakes is saying the truth, the occasion is to have fun. That's why we will go to Guam right now!" Excited Sana said

"Are you insane?"

"Definitely not, minari!" Sana shook her head

"Me and Sana had a chat last night, I want to hang out with you guys. She was the one who suggested we go overseas" Y/n said

"Yup so let's go to the airport because I rented a jet for us!" Sana said

"Why not tell us, you know?" Momo rolled her eyes

"It's s surprise!" Y/n chuckled, there the driver drove them to the airport

Some time~

They're at the plane going to Guam, their mother's family owns a resort there so that's where they will stay. Y/n hasn't told the girls yet why she wants to hang out because she's scared that some might not react well

"Stop taking pictures of her, pervert" Sana said as she take Momo's phone

"Give it back!"

"No!" She shook her head

"You're taking pictures of her secretly, you creep!"

"I'm not a creep, she just looks cute asleep so I wanna capture the moment!" Momo defended as she took her phone back

"Whatever, creep"

"Get lost, Sana"

"Shut up will y'all? Even in air, you two are still so noisy!" Annoyed Mina said

"Our baby sister is jealous, isn't she?" Sana smirks as she look at Momo

"Stop, no! Don't you dare!" Mina said as she slowly walk backwards, the two goes to her and starts tickling her

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