Chapter Ten

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Carlos  ended up going back to the Isle with Cruella willingly. He was okay with that because even if it was true and he was Aurora's son, it seemed to him at least that it wouldn't matter anyways. Its not like they are ever gonna find out or even if they did even care at that point.  The two entered the house and there was Horse and Jasper sitting on the couch watching TV with their kids. Carlos did consider joining them but was just too mentally exhausted to join them and just wanted to go to bed.

Cruella: "Look Carlos. I tried to warn you about Auradon. Auradon may seem like the "good guys" but in reality they are manipulative, sneaky, deceiving monsters benefiting from our suffering."

Carlos just quietly nodded and went up to his room and locked himself in it and went to bed, crying himself to sleep completely unaware of the revolution that was happening back over in Auradon.

Meanwhile back in Auradon, Jane and the guards gathered the heroes as well as the other VKS for a emergency meeting and revealed everything that happened and was revealed. leaving everyone in the room, including Fairy Godmother in shocked.

Aurora: "Oh my god...that..that boy was our precious baby we lost years ago in OUR castle and we didn't even recognize him!"

Belle: "Don't feel too bad Aurora, it was a decade ago and this wasn't something any of us expected."

Cinderella: "Wait..why did Andrew end up with Cruella? I thought it was Maleficent that took him?"

Phillip: "They must have been working together in some capacity."

Anita: "Honestly knowing Cruella I would not be surprised if she had someone else do her dirty work."

Fairy Godmother: "Where is now?" 

Jane: "Cruella took him back to the Isle."

Aurora: "oh no.."

Phillip: "GODDAMNIT!!! *bashes table*"

Mulan: "What are we gonna do now?"

Audrey: "I was thinking I could possibly go and try to find him.."

Phillip: "No! Absolutely not! I forbid it! The isle is far too dangerous for you to go alone."

Audrey: "Who said I was going alone?"

Mal: "We can go with here. We were raised in the isle so we know all the ins and outs of the isle."

Phillip: "I mean...thats true but..ehhh..I don't know."

Aurora: "What other choice do we have? If it is true this is our chance to take back our son! Besides god only knows what Cruella would be willing and capable of doing regardless."

Phillip: "*nodds* (sighs). Okay. You can go BUT We will be watching to make sure everything is going according to plan. Fairy Godmother is there some sort of way to see what is going on back here?"

Fairy Godmother: "Yes I can cast a spell of Jane's necklace so we can see everything from that here."

Phillip: "Okay perfect. Oh and Audrey?"

Audrey: "Yeah Dad?"

Phillip: " careful please. I lost one child I don't want to loose you too."

Audrey: "Don't worry Dad. I'll be okay."

Phillip: "Okay."

Audrey and the rest of the group began to get ready to go the isle when Audrey took another look of the files.  She couldn't fully express how much she wanted it to be true so she could finally get to know her little brother after all these years. As Audrey continued to grab the stuff she would need Ben stopped by her dorm.

Ben: "Hey."

Audrey: "Oh Hey."

Ben: "So uh..are you sure you want to do this?"

Audrey: "Yeah. I'm ready to finally get to know Carlos or Andrew..Im still not sure what to call him right now. Am I terrified that Im gonna run into Maleficent? Hell yeah that'd be awful for me at least. I'm guessing your nervous about running into Gaston?"

Ben: "Yeah..."

The two went silent for a few seconds before Audrey started the conversation back up.

Audrey: "Look Ben..I'm sorry we ended things the way we did. It wasn't you I just..wasn't in the right headspace to date anyone at that know?"

Ben: "Yeah..I get it. I would be the exact same way if it was the anniversary of my sibling disappearing."

Audrey: "I know weren't a fan of the whole arranged marriage thing. Honestly thats part of the reason I felt guilty because you seemed uncomfortable with dating me just because you had to."

Ben: "Yeah pretty much. I mean I did like you I just..I don't know felt I was burdening you because of everything."

Audrey: "Yeah. Look, if we are gonna make this work, We're gonna do it because We love each other, not because my grandmother is pushing for it for the sake of tradition or whatever. I always hated that and you did too I'm guessing."

Ben: "Oh yeah I despised that."

Audrey: " you wanna maybe take another shot at our relationship?"

Ben didn't say anything. The two held hands and leaned in for a kiss before Jane and Mal came into the room as the reformed couple was about to kiss. The two started to blush red.

Mal: "Yo lovebirds? Are you two ready?"

Audrey: "Oh...yeah..We're ready."

The two looked at each other embarrassed and then followed the other to outside where a limo was waiting.

Jane: "You and Ben are getting back together?"

Audrey: "Yes...? I..I'll tell you more later."

Jane: "*nodds* Got it."

Jay got into the driver's seat and everyone else got into the back of the limo. Sam started handing Audrey, Jane and Ben black beanie hats.

Sam: "You guys are gonna need these. The Isle has a couple of rules you need to follow. The big one is staying under cover, especially if you guys are from Auradon which you are. Stay quiet and follow our lead and you will be fine."

The auradonians nodded and put their hats on as Jay drove the limo over the magical bridge and towards the Isle. When the group arrived, the limo went through the boarder and Jay parked in a dark alleyway with a tube tunnel.

Mal: "Okay guys we're here. Again the Isle is really dangerous so lets try to stay together as closely as possible so we don't loose each other."

The auradonians once again nod and everyone gets out the car and starts walking down the main road unaware they were secretly being watched by Harry Hook.

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