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It's my last week of high school then it's all over. GOD, did Tracy make every day hell. Tracy, she's my moms friends daughter, the most obnoxious girl in the world, even her name makes my ear ring with annoyance. She's been madly in love with me since we were 11 and has been a pain in my ass ever since. No matter what I did I can never get her to leave me alone. I'll exclude her from my plans, avoid her, date other women just to have her leave me alone, just out right disrespect her, but nothing gets her off my back. She's so obsessed with me, she even choose the same university as me to attend to. I just want this last week of school to go smoothly.
"Hey max" my best friend Tyler says as loudly as he can in the halls,
"hi, Tyler"
"what's with the gloom look there man" Tyler responds with way too much excitement
"it's Tracy, dude, she's fucking up my mood, she just won't let up, im for real tired"
"oh, damn sorry man... why don't we do one last thing"
"Tyler man we've tried everything she just won't let up"
Tyler looks at me with an evil smirk then responds with "not everything, listen man, proms coming up, how about ask Tracy to prom, make her all excited and shit and then at prom leave the rest to me"
I raise one eyebrow up with suspicion
"What are you gonna do?"
"Haha don't worry man, just leave everything to me, got it"
With a little hesitation I agreed.

Our last summer as kidsWhere stories live. Discover now