"I'm not-"

"Yeah right. I can see the drool from a mile away." She snorts, cutting me off. I roll my eyes as she hops off of the truck and makes her way toward the car, meeting Niall halfway who seemed to want a drink as well.

"Take a picture," Harry remarked smugly as he slid the box onto the truck with a soft grunt.

"Are you done, Magic Mike?"

His brows lift into his forehead as he placed both hands on the edge of the truck, blocking the sun from my eyes and trapping me in. I instantly move my hand from my belly to press against his bare chest. My face recoils in disgust when my palm becomes wet with his sweat. It was sexier when he was seven feet away.

"Harry, back up,"

"I wanna say hi to Harry Jr," He says innocently, moving his hands to rest on my thighs. While I was insistent our daughter would be named Aaliyah, Harry was set on a son named Harry Jr. It's funny to think about considering his reaction when Gale first suggested it that day in brunch.

I angle my head to the side and look up at him. Behind his head, the sun shone proudly, creating a small rim of light around him. The stubble on his jaw and chin was accentuated because of it, making me reach up and touch the prickly hairs.

"You need to shave," I mumble teasingly.

"Fuck off," He slaps my hand away before tickling his hands on my belly. "Hey, Junior. You think you can talk your momma into actually helping?- Hey!"

He's cut off when I swat his hand away.

"I have an excuse, asshole,"

Harry laughs, and it's an angelic sound. He leans forwards and presses his soft and slightly damp lips against mine. "It's a joke, baby. You know that." he apologizes, still snickering.

"Yeah right...where's Gale, anyway?"

"He's getting the last couple of boxes. We're gonna take a lunch break and then get the couches and TVs, the bigger shit."

My stomach rumbles at the thought of food. It seemed like these days I could never get enough.

"What are you getting?"

"It's up to you and Jenny. Niall and Gale are okay with anything, and so am I."

"Chipotle?" I suggest, and he rolls his eyes.

"I knew you'd say that."

"Then why'd you ask?"

Harry pinches my cheek at my response, leaning forward for another kiss, "Alright, smartass." He murmurs against my lips. I can't help but smirk a little when he kisses me a little harder, his lower lip coming underneath mine in a wet pucker. My heart begins to inevitably beat faster, sending blood rushing southward as I kiss him back.

He knows that these last couple of days my hormones have been through the roof. I can't even count the number of times he's had to help me get off because he's too afraid to hurt me by actually having sex. I wanted to tell him that he won't hurt the baby or me, but he had none of it, only insisting on makeout sessions and sex toys to fuel my needs.

"Don't be a tease," I mumble into the kiss, my hands coming to rest on his lower hips and his still on the surface of the truck. He groans softly in response when I tug him a fraction closer and angle my head upward so he can deepen the kiss.

It felt like something out of a cheesy romantic movie, the way my body warmed over and my hairs raised on my skin. My body always reacted that way with him, and it's only gotten stronger and stronger over the span of these last seven months. I'm always wanting him. Not only his kisses but his presence. His smile, his laugh, his cheesy jokes.

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