When I got up the beast turned around and slashed my chest, I took a few steps back trying to recover from the impact an feeling my chest bleed. The beast then grabbed shoulders and tried to bite my head off, I used all my strength to punch it and my fist went through its stomach and I grabbed its entrails then pulled them. Then the beast fell dying immediately, I was in shock, I looked at my blood soaked hand that I used to kill the beast then at the beast it self.

When I did I saw 3 vails filled with a red liquid in the beasts entrails. I decide to pick them up and held them in my hands but as I did the little creatures from the stairs come out of the ground beside still holding out the scroll. This time I decided to see what they had for me, I kneeled front and they took that as a sign to open the scroll but all it said was.

"Use Blood to heal your injurie's"

Again I felt uneasy after reading the scroll but then again I have nothing left to lose. So I put 2 blood vials in my pocket and opened the remaining one in my hand, I took the cork off the vail and hesitated for a minute before drinking the whole vail. As I finished the vail I looked down and saw my wounds heal at a rapid pace. I accepted the fact that their is "healing blood" here where ever I am. I got up and made my to another room where the beast once feasted. In this other room I saw a corpse clutching 2 blood vails, I decided to take them they would be no use to him now.

I walked up the stairs and opened the door to the outside world. Only to be met with something he only heard in stories and myth, Yharnam the city of blood. After coming to this realization accepted this to be my fate, I looked around and saw something shining over by the statue I walked over their and found 10 bullets, judging by the sheen they have they were quicksilver bullets, I was ecstatic to find something like this I could properly defend my self. They were about the size to fit in my revolver but when I tried to reach for it, it was nowhere to be found. But I did not want to waste these bullets so I pocketed them to find a weapon that could use them.

I went to the central part of Yharnam and found myself facing someone that looked human buts wasn't. His arms were to lengthy and he was taller then me as well, he was carrying a large axe over his shoulder he seemed to be in a entranced state of some sort. I walked down and tried to get his attention

Mikel: Um excuse me. Do you know how to get out of here?

???: Ugh? *turns his head* AAARHGH?! *lunge and swings axe down wards

I jumped back to get away from his attack and then I rushed forward when his axe gets stuck on the ground, using this opportunity I punched him through the chest, grab his heart and crush it. when his body fell to the ground I looted his corpse and found a few blood vails. And pulled the lever, that the man seemed to guard, causing a metal latter to drop down. I climbed it and found a small lantern, when I touched it, it lit up and then vanished into dust. Sur

Scene change...

I stood in front of another place after navigating my around.

I stood in front of another place after navigating my around

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A Hunter's vendettaWhere stories live. Discover now