Bruised 💔💗

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TW: Homophobia, Injuries, Slurs, Super cute females

"Hey, Nance." Robin said flatly, her voice shaky and forcing a smile.

1 hour earlier.

Nancy POV

After a tiring day at school, Nancy finally felt what was the luxury of home. Kicking off her shoes, she collapsed on the couch.

The day had been filled with writing columns for the newspaper, classes, and normal highschool things. Well, as normal as Hawkins can be.

She trotted up the stairs, making her way to her room. Just as she ripped the homework out of her bag, her doorbell rang and she heard frantic knocks in groups of 5. She sprinted down the stairs, already knowing who it was, given the timed knocks. With a wide smile on her face, Nancy pushed the door wide open. However, her smile soon dropped.

Robin POV

Robin finally got out of her last class, making her way to her locker. When she opened it up, she expected the usual, an empty locker with pictures of her, Eddie, Steve, and Nancy, and a note saying something like, 'Fag' or 'Dyke' or some homophobic shit like that. She did find a note, but it didn't say anything homophobic or rude. It said: 'Meet at *gives address* at 12. -Anonymous'. This kind of freaked Robin out, but she went along with it anyway, shrugging to herself as she left the building.


Robin soon arrived at the location; a small, dark, creepy alleyway, lit up by the faint orange glow of streetlights.

"Hello?" She called into the darkness. Almost immediately after, she found herself pinned down to the floor by 4 men, hidden by hoods.

"What the fuck? Bro, who the fuck are you?" She said calmly, ignoring the fact that her heart was beating louder than an elephant stomping.

"Hello, fag." Robin recognised the voice immediately. Jason fucking Carver.

"Carver? What do you want?" She started panicking, guessing what he's up to.

"Well, I heard you, Buckley, were flirting with my buddy's girlfriend. Vickie Andrews sound familiar to you?" He stated, taking his hood off to reveal his blonde hair and shitty smirk.

"N-No! I swear, i-it wasn't anything l-like tha-" but before she could finish, Robin took a blow to the face, feeling blood trickle down her cheek.

"This. Is. What. You. Deserve!" He yelled, giving her a hit to the stomach between each word. She coughed up a bit of blood, quickly swallowing it up again. He kept hitting her, slapping, kicking, even stepping on her throat once. Once he was done, he walked off, his goons following close behind.

Her leg was twisted due to a step on the ankle. Robin's first instinct, to get to Nancy. Luckily, her house was nearby so she limped over, tears filling her eyes with pain. She knocked on the door with their code, 5 knocks in a row. Soon enough, Nancy opened up, with a grin on her face.

Present time

"Holy shit, Robbie what happened to you!?" Her grin instantly fell, concern and worry filling her face.

"One word. Carver." She replied back, smiling weakly.

"That bitch, well come in! I need to help you." Robin limped in, settling on the couch. Nancy quickly rushed over with a medkit, getting to work. She cleaned her wounds, put bandaids on, and even treated her ankle, putting on a proper bandage.

"How are you feeling, Robbie?" She asked, having calmed down a bit.

"Better, thanks for caring for me." Robin replied.

"No problem, Rob. Now, you're staying over at mine." Nancy decided.


"No buts, Robin Buckley. I am NOT letting you limp back home and be left alone for the night. Let's get to bed." Robin smiled at the use of her full name. She thought it was attractive.

Once they got upstairs to Nancy's room, Robin felt the urge to blackout, right there and then. She ran to the bathroom, Nancy hot on her heels. She turned to the toilet, throwing up all the blood left in her stomach bruise.

"It's okay, let it all out." Nancy reassured her. They went back into her room after Robin had changed into her pyjamas.

"Okay, I'll take the floor-" Robin was cut off by the look Nancy had given her. She looked as if Robin had just grown three heads.

"Absolutely not. Robin, you have multiple back bruises, a twisted ankle, and had just coughed up blood into my toilet. Get on the bed." Nancy stated firmly. It was clear Robin wasn't winning this argument. She flopped on the bed, laying on her back to avoid bruising her stomach even more.

"Hey Nance," she started, as Nancy set up the sleeping bag. "Can we like, hug... while sleeping?"

Nancy just chuckled. "Robbie, do you mean cuddle?"

Robin felt her face turn into a tomato. "I-I guess so? It's fine if you don't want to, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable I can just sleep alo-"

"Of course we can cuddle, Robbie." She walked over to her bed, and lay down next to Robin, wrapping her arms around the taller girl. They fell asleep in peace after that.

A/N: Sorry this was longer than I anticipated. I hope you enjoyed it though! Next oneshot coming later today, so stay tuned! (Btw I posted this at 1am for me so that's what I mean by later today)

Word count: 901

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