You trained with Bakugo everyday and after a month, you could tell you were improving. You could now keep your quirk active for more than thirty minutes thanks to his "endurance training". Yeah, it wasn't pleasant. In fact, it was really painful getting hit by his explosions and having to keep your wings to their metallic form but it was worth it. He was really helping you.


"God I'm beat" you said laying on the grass, panting. Bakugo was sitting down on the bench not too far from you.

"Oi" he waited till you gave him your attention "sit on the damn bench like a normal person, you idiot" he said while panting as well, looking at you with hooded eyes. Probably from exhaustion.

"Nah" you were too mesmerized by the bright orange sky, the big clouds taking in every shade of the color, forming a spellbinding scenery before your eyes "I'm good"

He tsked, looked away and then back to you with a side glance, so you wouldn't notice him. The sunset reflected on your bright skin, bringing out your delicate features. The weak sunlit sky made your eyes glow like a bright star blending in with the others in the night sky. He was caught by it. He couldn't look away for some reason.

You have been training for almost three months together, only seven more to go until U.A., and you both have improved your quirks and bodies. Bakugo's explosions have become stronger, since having a metallic wall to constantly blast was quite the benefit. He didn't have to worry about destroying anything.


Except you.

But he was careful.

Bakugo's goal, at the beginning, was to only make you at least a little bit closer to his level, so he could fight you as an equal. He wasn't trying to insult you by assuming you were weak. It was just the truth. The past three months, though, he was not thinking of beating you that much. He did. But it lessened more and more as time flew by. He didn't understand why he suddenly started

Is that what this is about?

Bakugo's priority is to get into the U.A. and become a strong hero like All Might. Like his idol. He will achieve that. He will be the best of the best. He can't have attachments to anyone right now. And he will prove to you that he doesn't need anyone to accomplish the future he desires. The future he will reach.

You noticed his unusual silence and turned your head to look at him, making him instantly look away. You lightly smirked "Were you checking me out, boom boy?"

"Tch" he rolled his eyes "We just made eye contact at the same time, you bird brain"

"So, you wanted to check me out?"



He clenched his jaw, raised his eyebrow and looked you dead in the eye "You want to die?"

You giggled, looking back to the sky "I'm not scared of you, Katsuki"

His face softened a little when he heard that. His name was not what caught his attention. It was what you said before that. You were not afraid of him. He wasn't sure if you were meaning it or saying it just to hide the opposite.

You instantly realized that you called him by his first name and quickly got up and looked at him "Oh, uh...sorry I- "you awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of your head "I didn't mean to call you by your first- "

"I don't care what you call me" he looked at the side, resting his arms on top of his knees, letting his hands weightless facing the ground.

"Yeah...of course you don't" there was an awkward silence between the two of you, before you spoke again "It's getting late. I think I'll head back now"

He hummed still not looking at you. You started walking towards him to grab your bag from the bench and go home, when he suddenly caught you by your wrist. It was the first time he ever touched you like that. It was way gentler and warmer than you imagined. You were waiting for him to say something but he just kept staring at you with his serious face-

"Yes?" you gave up on waiting

"You didn't lie" he said with his quiet voice

"Hm?" you tilted your face to the side and frowned your eyebrows

"You didn't flinch when I touched you"

He was trying to prove a point to you. He thought touching when you least expected it would attest your words were wrong. Instead, it only verified the opposite. He wasn't sure how to feel. He wasn't sure how to react. He just didn't move.

"Why would I?" you said "I told you I'm not scared of you"

You weren't.

Now, you weren't. Three months ago, you did; but not because he was scary or you thought he was dangerous. You were scared of the fact that he could beat you so easily. He is strong, fearless, he doesn't care about what others say. When he asked you to train together, you were more than happy. You never understood why he cut you out and it messed with your head.

You missed him.

When he asked to train together you were surprised by his offer but also happy that you would get to see him more often and not get into each other's throats-well, you still do but it's different- and bicker all the time. Plus, you wanted to know the reason he left you. You remembered when he stood up for you when you were kids. That's why you look up to him. Although he won't ever admit it, he does care about others. In his own way but he does.

So, why?

"Can I ask you something?" you said waiting for his approval to continue "Why did you..." you weren't sure how to put all those questions into one. The words were flooding to your mind but you didn't know how or in which way to put them.

"What?" he asked

"...Never mind" you said pulling your hand from his and started walking away "I'll see you tomorrow at school. Good night" and left.

'Why didn't you ask him, stupid? You wanted to know, didn't you?' you thought. You entered your house, your parents who were sitting in the living room greeted you and your mom was about to talk but-

"It was good and no I didn't. I'll take a shower and go to bed. Good night" you said while walking up the stairs. They kept asking you the same question ever since that memory. It was the only thing that you remembered so far and it was starting to get annoying being asked the same thing almost every day.

After taking a shower, you changed into your pajamas and went straight to bed, knowing that you wouldn't sleep without overthinking everything that happened today.


"Should we tell her?" your father asked his wife, sitting next to him.

"Are you crazy?" your mother immediately answered "She's going to hate us, Satoshi" she looked to the ground with guilt written all over her face. They were both keeping secrets from you. They knew something about you but wouldn't tell you.

When you told them about your memory, they were afraid. Afraid of what else you could remember. Afraid you would hate them forever and-

"She will leave us" she rested her head to her hands, with eyes filled with fear, anxiety and sadness "She won't ever trust us again if she remembers everything"

Your father sighed "Asami, she deserves to know- "

"She found her" she said still not looking at him "She said she wouldn't remember unless she finds her"

"Asami..." he hugged her, burying her face to his chest "We knew this day would come from the moment we decided to raise her..." he backed enough to look at her "Instead of hurting her"

Tears started to show up in your mother's eyes. Regret and sorrow were the only thing it could be read into them. So did your father's. He hugged her tight, reassuring her everything was going to be okay. The feeling of guilt stung his heart like a number of needles.

"We'll figure it out" he whispered to her ear "Don't worry"

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