"Unnie! When Chae's drunk, she'll become the most talkative person you'll ever know as if she's not an introvert" Ryujin said while laughing

"Yah! Shin Ryujin!" I yelled at her and glared. Why did we even became friends? We're obviously very opposite with each other

"We'll not force you to drink if you don't want to. But at least come?" Lia-unnie asked and I nodded. I mean, I want to join them as well but I wont drink for sure

After discussing more about the club, we decided to go home.

"Chae, your mom's asking for you. Do you want to go home? You can come with me" Ryujin asked

"But I don't want to see my dad" I said and looke on the ground

"Don't you want to see your mom and sisters?" She asked. That made me think for a bit

"I guess I'll be home for days" I said and ride on Ryujin's car

"Remember the park we also go to before we entered college? We can go there with Gaeul later" she said

"I'll let you know if I can come. You know my dad he might prevent me from going out" I said and looked at the window

Ryujin then drop me off at home

"Don't forget to text me later okay? Oh. And greet aunty and uncle for me. I'll get going now" she said and I waved goodbye

I'm really back at home after 6 months of being away

"Mom?" I said as I opened the front door

"Ryeong! It's so good to see you" my mom approached me and hugged me

"It's good to see you to mom. Where's dad?" I asked

"He's at the study room like he always do" she said

"Where's unnie and Chaemin?"

"You're unnie's probably still at the University right now. And Chaemin is at her room preparing for her entrance exam since she's aiming for Seoul National University" she said

"You can go to your room. I always ask our maid to clean it in case you come home" she said and I went to my room

Same as always. I'm glad my dad don't bother entering my room when I'm away. If he did, my movie collections for sure gone by now. I decided to take a nap while waiting for dinner

"Ryeong, dinner's ready" mom said while knocking on my door

I went out and went to the dining area.

"Unnie! When did you get home?" Chaemin said and hugged me

"I arrived earlier but mom said you're preparing for your exam, I don't want to disturb you that's why I didn't come to your room" I said and she nodded

I sat beside Chaeyeon-unnie and started to chat with her

"Unnie, how was law school?" I asked but my dad cut me off

"She's doing great. How about you? You haven't come home for 6 months are you studying well?" He asked and I nodded

"Did you quit the club?" He asked again but I remained silent. I can't lie to my father. Or more on, I'm not the type of person who's used to lying

"Looks like you're still in the club huh? How many times should I tell you that instead of goofing around and playing, why don't you focus on your studies like you sisters?" He asked while cutting the meat on his plate

"Dad, I'm not playing around. Filmmaking is my passion. Why can't you understand that?" I said while squeezing my utensils

"You won't get anywhere if you continue in filmmaking. Focus on your medical course and make me proud" he said

"Yes dad" I said and felt a tear come down to my cheeks

Chaeyeon-unnie who's beside me holds my hand to comfort me. In my father's eyes, Chaeyeon-unnie is perfect. She's the daughter he could've asked for. And for mom, Chaemin's her favorite. But I got used to it that's why I don't want to come home even during school breaks. This is probably one of all the problems all middle child has.

"Make sure to quit that filmmaking club" he said and I didn't gave him a reply

I might not be good at lying but I know I have a talent in keeping secrets.

After dinner I weent back to my room and texted Ryujin that I won't be able to hangout with them since I'm not in the mood

"Ryeong, can I come in?" Chaeyeon-unnie's at the door

I stood up and opened the door for her and let her inside my room

"Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded as I lay on my bed

"Just ignore what dad said. You know he can be a grumpy old man sometimes" she said and looked at me

"You're lucky dad likes you" I said and cover my dace with my arm and let out a sigh

"No I'm not. Dad never forced me to go in law school. It just happened that dad and I have the same interest that's why he doesn't get mad at me" she said and layed back down as well

"You see, when I entered law school, I did nothing but do my best so he can be proud of me. And I want you to do the same in your studies" she said

"Don't quit the club. Just make sure to balance club with your studies so dad won't find out" she added and caressed my hair

"But I don't fit in medical school. You know that" I said and pouted

"Yes. But I also know that you're smart"

"Just try loving med school like you love filmmaking hmm?" She said and I nodded

She left after that talk. She's right, the reason why I don't excell in my studies is because I'm hating it. Maybe I'll try what she said so I can make my mom look at me and my dad proud as well.


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