Possible Teaser?

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Implied death.
Panic attack
Slight derealization

Tommy's head throbbed.

The thin peice of tattered cloth that covered his upper body was pressed back against the numbingly cold concrete wall of the bunker.

The blonde's head spun. His hair was soaked in blood that was far past its expiration date. Brain matter had spilled on to the concrete flooring below him in a giant, disgusting heap. The once gray walls have now been painted by a familiar red liquid.

He fought back the bile in his throat at the sight in front of him.

"This can't be fucking real," He mumbles to himself, finalyl allowing his legs to give in. He collapses to the floor, ignoring the harsh pain in his kneecaps from doing so. "This can't be fucking happening..."

He was supposed to be SAFE here.

His friends – FAMILY – were supposed to be safe here!

THEY shouldn't be able to get in!

The door was locked, he could've sworn he locked it, right? He had to have. There's no way in hell he'd put his friends in danger like that.

But when he came back home, the door was...


No no no.


This wasn't his fault!

This wasn't him!

It couldn't be!


He started to shake, his vision blurred.

Breathing was suddenly so, SO much harder.

"Fuck" He didn't have it in him to cringe at his own voice crack or the contrasting feeling of his warm tears against his own cold skin. "Fuck. Fuck. FUCK."

The room began to spin and stars danced in front of his eyes. His brain overflowed with so many thoughts that it sounded like TV static was blasting at full volume inside its skull, the sound ricochetting against the inside of his cranium. His hands tugged desperately at his hair in attempt to keep him anchored for this reality, almsot ripping it out in big handfuls. His stomach churned in a similar manor to a sea during a hurricane. He's going to be sick.

Everything was too loud. Everything as too much. Everything hurt.

This... This isn't real! Maybe if he just-


He shot up from his bed in a cold sweat, the tips of his fluffy blonde hair sticking uncomfortably to his forehead.

There wasn't the usual lingering haziness that came with falling asleep. It had been chased away by the pounding of his heart against his ribcage and the panicked thoughts rushing through his head.

There was no fresh smell of death. No decapitated bodies sprawled in front of him. No freezing cold concrete. Instead, thre were familiar white bedsheets and... a worried hand on his shoulder. He looks to the left and let's out a sigh of relief at the sigh of a familiar face.

"Hey, Big Man. Are you alright? You were having a nightmare." The short brunette asks, offering a weak smile. His voice was filled with worry, which honestly made Tommy feel a bit bad. He shook off that guilty feeling though. "I'm fine, Tubs. Just a little nightmare. I'm a big man, I can handle these with ease!" Tommy assures before dramatically flexing his non-existent muscles. This made Tubbo chuckle and roll his eyes, gently shoving his best friend. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Come on downstairs. Ranboo made breakfast," The shorter of the two said before swiftly making his way down the stairs.

Once Tubbo was gone, Tommy took a moment to breathe. His hand drags down his face to rub the crust fron his eyes. "Fucking hell. What type of fucked up nightmare was that?" He mumbles to himself as he throws his legs over the edge of the bed and starts off toward his bedroom door.


This is just a teaser for the possible 1st chapter and/or overall fanfic if this gets enough love ig.

This is supposed to be an SBI angst Zombie Apocalypse AU.

Uh, I guess leave a comment or a vote if you actually want me to write this?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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SBI ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE AU TEASERWhere stories live. Discover now