Queen bee: There's a way to save her.

Princess Bug: How?

Queen Bee: True Love's  Kiss.

Princess bug: This isn't some silly fairy tail Queen!

Purple Tigress: No she's right the akuma is in her heart!

Princess Bug: Her heart?

Carpace: yeah, listen there are only two options either True love's kiss or she'll just have to die cause it happened to one ladybug but her lover was dead so she killed herself.

Princess Justice: I can't just kill her No I-

Caprikind: You can save her.

Princess Bug: What?

Peagusus: Come on y/n it's obviously that you really loved Marinette the first time you met her she felt so happy cause we didn't believe at the time and plus we could tell that she really like you.

Kitten Noir suddenly starts blushing.

Purple tigress: Guess the blush proves everything.

Kitten Noir: Shut up.

Suddenly they heard a loud scream they look to see Lila Princess Justice holding the cage flying higher and higher in  to the sky as Lila screams how high it is.

Kitten Noir: Pegasus open up a portal for me!

Pegasus: Gotcha!

Pegasus  opens the portal as Kitten Noir runs inside it.

Caprikind: Good luck.

(With Princess Justice)

Princess Justice: you know something Rossi? 

Lila: W-what?

Princess Justice: if you hadn't come in my life or probably lie and not take y/n's girlfriend from her then me and you could've been best friends if you were honest.

Lila: Please. I'm really...

Princess Justice: Don't try and wiggle yourself out of your punishment with a Sorry Rossi. you said I would fear you but now *chuckling* you shall fear me!

Princess Justice drops Lila's cage as she screams she laughs Loudly and was about to aim some sort of strong force from her sword until she's stop by a yo-yo grabbing on her wrist she looks to see Princess bug while she looks down to see that the other heroes had caught the cage.

Princess Justice: Argh! You stupid Bug!

Princess Bug regretted it instantly they were really that high that she had to hold onto Princess Justice.

Princess Justice: Get off of me! I was going to end it all! She was gonna get her proper punishment. Everyone would be free from her crutely!

Princess Bug throws the yo-yo on the Eiffel tower to Pull her and Princess Justice down but she was struggling.

Princess Bug: (I'm so sorry Marinette.)

Princess Bug immediately throws Princess Justice to the ground which cause a crack as Princess Bug falls but lands safely.

Caprikind: Are you okay?

Princess Bug: A little bit bruised but a twisted ankle I can't but I'll be fine.

Queen Bee: Well we caught Lila. In the meantime we should-

Suddenly the sound of thunder was heard as they see an angry Princess Justice her eyes glowing a brighter blue glaring at the heroes.

Peagusus: Look there a 99.9% chance to just kiss Marinette before we Die!

Princess Bug: Yeah I know I just gotta detransform.

Bunnix: WHAT !?

Princess Bug: I said I need to-

Purple Tigeress: Yeah we heard you but do you want to get yourself killed !?

Princess Bug: It's risky I know but it's easier for me to get close to her than as Princess Bug or Kitten Noir.

Carapace: I hope you know what you're doing Dudette.

Princess Bug: I do. You two Move Alya and Adrien away and keep the people far away.

Purple Tigeress: and Lila?

Princess Bug: Yeah her too

and after that Princess Bug runs off.

(With Princess Bug)

Tikki flew out of the earrings feeling very dizzy.

Tikki: Jeez no other Ladybug has ever fought like that for ages.

Y/n: Well don't worry about fighting anymore.

Tikki: Why?

Y/n: can you try and find the ring I put it somewhere in the infirmary.

Tikki: Gotcha!

(few Minutes later)

Tikki came back with the ring and gave it to y/n

Y/n: Thanks Tikki I'll see you soon.

Tikki: Save Marinette for me y/n.

Y/n: Okay.

Y/n takes of the earrings as she puts the ring back on.

Plagg: Hey what happened were you able to save Marinette?

Y/n: No but I got an Idea.

Plagg: I hope it works y/n.

Y/n: It will Plagg.

My Sweetheart Marinette x fem readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin