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"The paparazzi have gathered around the entrance of the restaurant. I'm afraid  they are waiting for you and ma'am."

My eyebrows raised in surprise. Paparazzi? Who gave them the information?

Uday pressed his lips in a thin line, his face reflecting annoyance. "The back door?"

"it's under renovation sir. We can't use it."

"Damn it!" Uday cursed quite loudly, his forehead creasing as he eyed the table/

"What do we do now?" I asked, worried. I still can not handle media.

Uday dialed a number on his phone, placing it near his ear.

"Robert, I need you to pick me in 5. I'm sending you the address. Bring the others too."

He stood up asking me to get up too and I followed him as we walked towards the entrance. Reaching the glass double doors, I could clearly see the hoard of people with cameras and mics, pushing each other wildly and yelling, creating a huge commotion.

I turned to face Uday. "Why are they so interested in your life?"

"Our life." He corrected me. I'm not the only one whom they're interested in."

"So much for having a peaceful lunch." He muttered to himself and then checked his phone a it beeped. "Robert's here."

Just then, two cars screeched to halt in front of the restaurant and four huge bodyguards stepped out. One of them was Robert. They jigged towards the entrance in a perfectly co-ordinated manner, looking like robots.

"Stay close." Uday told me as he held my hand.

I snorted. "Right, as if I'll deliberately push myself in the crowd."

"I don't doubt it, you are crazy enough to do that."

Gasping, I lightly hit his shoulder. "hey! I'm not crazy"

Yes, you are.

Okay, but he didn't need to say that loud.

He didn't bother to reply me as soon as we stepped out, the shouts and yells got louder. My paranoia kicked in and I wound my free arm around Uday's elbow, staying close to him.

The bodyguards spread around us, forming a human chain and trying to control the reporters who had now gone insane on seeing us.

Jeez, they made me feel like celebrity.

You are one.

If it hadn't been for these huge mountain like bodyguards I would have been crushed in the crowd.

The reporters fired questions at us about our marriage and personal life as we tried to walk past them, the continuous flashes almost blinding me. Halfway through, someone grabbed my elbow, taking me by surprise and yanked me sideways with such force that I was pulled away from Uday. Panic rose in my chest, my breathing came out laboured as I saw the guy who had manhandled me. Uday looked back at the loss of contact and his face hardened at the sight that greeted him. Stalking closer to me, he pulled me to his other side and glared sharply at the reporter making him shrink back in fear.

Bringing me in front of him, my back touching his chest, his arms encircled around me, not touching me just hovering above and positioned in such a way so as to push away anymore grabbing hands. On instinct, I held his wrists and he instructed me to walk, keeping me close and his proximity calmed me down.

We made our way to the car and Robert opened the door while Uday ushered me inside. When I sat comfortably, Uday closed the door and said something to the other bodyguard while pointing to the reporter who had grabbed me, his features hard and sharp. I couldn't hear him due to the commotion outside. The bodyguard nodded and Uday jogged to the other side of the car while Robert grabbed the driver seat.

"Are you okay?" Uday asked me as soon as he settled beside me.

My heart was still thumping loudly but my breathing was even by now. I nodded, rubbing my arms and looked put of the window. "Why are they making such a big fuss out of this?"

"This is the first time you both have been seen together after marriage ma'am." Robert answered, driving away from the restaurant. "Sir is Crown Prince of Jaigarh and also one of the top businessmen of the country and he has always been secretive about his personal life. People are always curious about him."

"How did they even know we are there?"

"Someone might have leaked the information for money." Uday explained, an angry undertone to his voice and I fell silent after that.

I came to two conclusions that day.

First, there are crazier people than me in this world.

Second, the next time I go out, I'm wearing a mask.


I was sitting on my bed, gazing lovingly at the chocolates in front of me, caressing them every now and then. It had been 2hours since we came back from the restaurant.

Apart from that paparazzi incident, today had been good.

Having a content sigh, I supported my face on my palms, making heart eyes at the delight in front of me.

I had already called Unnati, Vijay bhai and J, telling them how Uday had bought them for me. As a result, my number had been blocked by J, put on silent by Vijay bhai and Unnati refused to answer my calls, she didn't even allow me in her room.

Heck, I would publish the news in the newspapers, if I could.

Even I didn't know, why I was making such a big deal out of it. All I knew was that they are extremely special.

I didn't know what to do with them. Eat them or store them in a safe?

Also, I couldn't shake off the feeling when Uday protected me from those paparazzi. The way his arms enclosed around my petite frame, making sure no one touched me.

This feels so good to be around the person who loves you with his whole heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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