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Manveer after marriage came first time as couple to Devgarh palace, so Komal did their aarti. Uday left for his office after meeting everyone and telling them he would pick both  Manyata and Unnati in the evening.

Vijay, Manyata and Unnati were having fun talks when J came there

"May I join you guys" she asked expectantly

All of them were shocked to hear these words coming from J

"Sure J, you don't need to ask this, you can always join us, come now" Manyata said smiling, happy on seeing her sister really wanting to improve their bond.

Vijay gave Manyata, 'What the hell look' that was ignored royally by Manyata.

"So Manyata bhai, tell us something about your loving husband" Vijay asked trying to release the tension in the atmosphere

"Vijay bhai, you guys have known him from childhood, so you should tell me something about him" Manyata stated

"C'mon bhabi sa, how would we know how romantic is dada?" Unnati said teasing her which made Manyata blush

"Stop it guys, I don't know about his 'romantic side'" Manyata said air quoting romantic side trying to hide smile forming on her lips.

"Really" Unnati asked raising her right eyebrow to which Manyata looked here and there.

"yes, moreover I don't like discussing my private life with you guys, I can't trust the little demons inside you" Manyata said walking away.


Vijay was in bathroom when Manyata entered his room, she sat on the bed waiting for him to come out but he was taking too long. Her eyes fell on his phone, that was lying on the table beside the bed she picked up his phone and viewed his phone gallery, suddenly her gaze fell on a picture of a girl and her eyes went wide and an evil smile formed on her lips. Meanwhile Vijay was out.

"Hey Manyata bhai, you here?"

"What happened Vijay bhai, were you expecting someone else?" she said in teasing tone

"No, not at all Manyata bhai" He said searching for his phone

"Are you looking for this Vijay bhai?" Manyata asked showing his phone

"oh yeah, please give it to me"

"Not so easily Vijay bhai, first tell me what is my sister in law's pic doing in your phone?" Manyata asked raising her eyebrow

"amm..." Vijay tried to find some excuse but failed

"Manyata bhai, please don't tell Uday banna, he'll chop me into pieces and feed me to dogs" He said in a pleading tone

"STOP ME IF YOU CAN" Manyata said running out of the room with his phone in her hand

"Manyata bhai, please stop, don't do this to me, don't you love me" He said making puppy face while running after her

Manyata just showed her tongue to him and ran

They were running in the whole house like kids. Everyone was laughing on seeing Manyata back to her carefree self.

"Manyata bhai don't you want your cute little kids to call me Mamu sa, or my kids to call you Bua sa please atleast for their sake return my phone" Vijay was pleading her helplessly

"really Vijay bhai, I thought you were gay" she mocked him

"Even I thought the same jiji" J shouted watching them running

"See" Manyata said chuckling

Everyone in the house couldn't control themselves but laugh at the helpless Vijay. While running she hit the table and the phone in her hand fell at the feet of the person standing at entrance.

Uday bent down to pick up the phone.

"OH MY GOD" Vijay said dramatically and fell down, but J who was standing close to him held him

"Stop being a drama queen Vijay bhai" She said in a bored tone

"Don't, don't pick it up Uday banna", Vijay shouted

Uday raised his eyebrows

"for the sake of your unborn child, I swear you on that", Vijay said not getting anything else to say

Uday raised both his hands and took steps back from the phone, like someone was pointing gun at him, his mouth opened and brows raised.

Vijay quickly came forward and picked his phone.

"Thank God", he sighed, otherwise his dearest sister would have got him in mouth of dogs by now. He needs to be careful.

"What did you just say Vijay banna, my what?" Uday asked looking and Manyata and then Vijay.

"Oh that, I didn't mean anything like that, it was just at sometime in your life you'll have kids" Vijay stated making Manyata blush.

Uday looked at her and pulled her close by his side "Ofcourse Vijay banna, but that doesn't mean you can fulfil your selfish intentions on their names" making a serious face to get that sacred look from Vijay in which he was successful making Manyata chuckle

"Okay fine, now let's go and meet others" Manyata said interrupting their conversation about the future kids of Jaigarh Royals

Manyata winked at Vijay and went towards the elders, arm in arm with Uday who were looking at them with questioning look on their faces. Uday greeted everyone and they talked for sometime during dinner and left to Jaighar palace after that. Uday and Manyata in one car, whereas Unnati in the other.

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