Part 37

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Part 37 (Owen Pov)

After an already stress-filled day, Owen couldn't wait to snuggle into bed, pressed securely onto Damian and Kane. Finally, everything seemed to have calmed; Damian's sorrowful tears dried, dropping the shifter into exhaustion. Already he snuggled deep into the covers of the plump bedding; Owen felt the rising compassion for Damian growing every second he dared to stare, watching the shifter's chest rising and falling in sink with his fatigued breathing.

However, Owen contained himself from ascending inside beside him. Not discerning the tiredness seeping into his bones. Instead, within his mind, everything that had transported today was running its course—forcing the man to think over all the possibilities that could occur with the situation they find themselves in. Owen could barely fathom the outcomes that played, sliding through his mind. The horrors that beckoned him into the darker side of his mind. Glancing over, he could see the tiredness taking hold of Kane. His lids were half mass, covering his coated, glassy eyes.

Owen reached over from where he stood beside the man next to their dresser—cupping his cheek, feeling the stubble that led the soft skin, pulling on his own, sending shivers down his spine. Kane nuzzled into his touch, making Owen's blood boil as the man stared directly into his eyes. "I'm going to call Elania; I need someone to talk to right now." Kane nodded with his face still pressed into his hand. "I'll be joining you in bed soon."

"Don't stay up too late; we'll be missing you until you join us," Kane said sweetly before pulling Owens's hand away and kissing his palm. The velvety lips caught his skin a blaze, almost making him lose all his breath. "I swear, I'll be back before you know it. Don't be waiting for me. You look exhausted; get some need sleep." Kane's small smile tugged on the man's cheeks, wrinkling the smooth skin, tinting it with rosy red. Slowly he leaned forward till their lips met. The searing heat almost melted Owen right where he stood—melting his feet into the plush carpet beneath his bare feet.

"Goodnight," Kane whispered against his lips before pressing right back. Owen didn't want to lean away; he tried to mend himself to the oversized frame. He desired to just forget everything that had happened today and shield his heart before talking with his sister. Which he knew wasn't going to go well; with everything that had transpired that day, his luck was running low as it was. "Goodnight," Owen murmured right back, tilting his head into the broad shoulder of his lover. Kane allowed him to dwell there, absorbing the radiating warmth wafting from Kane.

Silently Owen watched Kane clammer into bed, shifting himself into Damian's embrace. The two looked in harmony, lying together, nestling intimate into one another's bodies. Hesitating briefly, Owen softly padded out of the bedroom. Hoping he was discreet enough not to wake Damien from his needed slumber. He charted through the apartment, walking past the living room until reaching the front door. He paused momentarily, padding down the back of his jeans to feel his phone nestled in his back pocket. Softly he sighed before opening the front door and exiting the apartment, lightly closing the mahogany door behind himself.

Humid musty air assaulted him as he left. Whipping wildly into his face, causing his skin to pink in irritation. Having the sudden need to get this over with to rush back inside, Owen took out his phone. Without hesitation, he opened his contacts, clicking on the first name. He called her so much in order to spill all of his irritations and seek help that Elania's contact sat snuggly in the first slot, shining bright with welcoming comfort.

Instantly Owen's heart calmed after hearing the ringing of the line connecting; however, the longer he waited for his sister to pick up the call, the more he began to doubt his decision. Finally, after the fourth and final ring, Owen heard the other side connect; his sister had waited until the last minute to pick up. "This better be an emergence; I was sleeping peacefully with my lovely Harvey snuggled into me." Elania's voice sounded scratchy with sleep; Owen slightly winced, feeling shame for waking his younger sister.

"Apologies for waking you so late. I need someone to talk to." Owen hadn't meant to sound so needy; however, the words slipped from his mouth almost in a whine. Owen heard shuffling over the phone, wondering if his sister was leaving the room so they could have some privacy. After moments of rustling and whispered promises, Elania finally spoke, "Owen, everything alright? You don't sound so great."

Elania's worry was bleeding through the speaker even over the phone. "Damian's family showed up at the business today; everything was  chaotic for a while."  Without a moment lost, Elania's scrutinizing tone of authority bolstered through the phone. "You're telling me the people who abandoned him, tossed him to the side like he was nothing more than a piece of rubbish magically appeared into thin air. What did they finally decide that he was worth the time and effort?"

"Two of the sisters need help. They claimed they didn't know he worked there. We invited them into our home and had a chat. It turns out abuse seems to run in the family. Damian wasn't the only one suffering."

"Posterous, nasty little foul creatures. Only seeking help once they need it and never giving back. I hope you had enough common sense to kick them out instantly." Then, scoffing over the phone, Elenia quickly hissed, "Thinking you even have the decency to allow them inside. Are you finally losing your marbles?"

Instantaneously Owen pressed two fingers to the bridge of his nose, hoping to relax the incoming migraine that was building behind his eyes. "No, we had a friendly chat with them, and we're deciding to help." A disbelieving laugh echoed loudly into his ears; "Honestly, that boy has you hung around his finger. If Harvey's family ever came to them wishing to amend, I would immediately kick every one of them out. Do you want to derail all the progress Damian's made?"

Owen had half the decency not to pick out his sister's unyielding despise for her in-laws. So he could see precisely where Elania was coming from. A massive part of him found it difficult to forgive the two women that he had met today. He wanted nothing more than to unhinge his infuriation upon them. To shout thundering words of hostility and frenzy the fire that had been elevating within. But nevertheless, it wasn't his decision to forgive. Damian had seemed to want to balm his breaking heart. And who is Owen to snatch that away from him?

Astonishingly Elania stayed quite waiting for his response though none came. The word seemed to stick to his tongue, and it was feeble even to try to push them out. "If I were you, I would be apprehensive about accepting any apology they spew. Nevertheless, that is simply my opinion on the issue. Understand my fondness runs deep, and I'll be there if you genuinely need help. However, it's getting ungodly late, and I have work in the morning. So call me in the afternoon around lunchtime. I'll drop by. Don't expect the conversation to go nearly as neat as it did tonight."

Owen was wildered, quickly pushing out thank you before saying good night to his younger sister and hanging up the phone. Then, on trembling legs, he walked discreetly back inside. Sliding his frigid body into the warm, welcoming bed that his two sleeping lovers occupied. Owen merely wished that he could better protect the two of them from the onslaught that was going to come. From experience, shifters don't go down without a fight.

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