Author's Note

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With all probability no one will, or want, to read this. Yet why start off in a defensive and negative way? Does that truly ever help one to accomplish any such task? In my opinion very rarely. You can stay and listen to this nonsensical drivel about whatever I put down, or not, but I feel compelled to announce that this will very well pertain to nothing very important, unless read well and correctly, and will most likely have no sense about it. I myself have not exactly put together what is going on but I find my writing to always be like that (it's not all well written or even written at all) but somehow I force it's overwhelming easiness to direct itself into some sort of story. I will not advise "viewer discretion" because I find it annoying and creates an environment in which one knows what to expect and cannot be wholly surprised or made anew to a situation in which they are placed. However if you are made uneasy by such as latter simply don't read what I'm writing. Somehow bye what I just said I feel as if I am contradicting myself, anyhow enjoy, or do not, what comes next, if it does, and say what you may but I live in a constant state of self denial so I won't care in the least. 

Thanks for even reading so much as this. 

L. R. R. 

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