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Name: Izuku Yagi(former) Satoru Gojo (current)

Age: 20 (two years older then Izumi)Species: human (sorcerer)Occupation: Public Safety devil hunter, sorcerer Personality: Satoru is a complex individual

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Age: 20 (two years older then Izumi)
Species: human (sorcerer)
Occupation: Public Safety devil hunter, sorcerer
Personality: Satoru is a complex individual. He is very free spirited, and is normally seen to be nonchalant and playful towards his colleagues, and friends. However, he is unsympathetic and cruel towards his enemies, former friends and former family. Satoru is extremely confident in his abilities and reputation as a powerful sorcerer, believing himself to be invincible. he is quite apathetic when fighting anyone he deems weak. During intense battles, Satoru is seen to occasionally fall into a frenzied fighting state, urged by his determination for victory and undeniable proof that he alone is the strongest. His combative style is characterized by his aggressive and domineering attacks, while flaunting his mastered techniques to his opponents. Furthermore, in a crisis, he is capable of being cold-blooded however he will not do any lasting harm to or kill anyone innocent to gain the upper hand.
Likes: sweet things, hanging out with his friends, messing around, his powers, his friends, teasing his friends, taunting his enemies
Dislikes; bullies, quirkless discrimination, alcohol, his former family, his former friends, fake heroes
Abilities: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Immense Strength, Immense Speed & Reflexes, Tactical Intellect, six eyes, black flash, immense cursed energy, adaptable combatant, superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes, superhuman strength
Techniques: Reverse Cursed Technique (反転術式, Hanten Jutsushiki?): Gojo is the one of the few sorcerers who can used a Reverse Cursed Technique to heal themselves. With this technique, Gojo can not only heal himself, but he can make the positive energy flow into the Infinity, giving him access to his Red and Hollow Purple attacks. However, healing others is out of Gojo's bounds for now, something that few others like Sukuna and Shoko can do. Gojo, however is the only sorcerer shown that can use reverse cursed energy to reverse the effect of an existing cursed technique, somewhat balancing out his inability to heal others.
Limitless (無下限, Mukagen?): At the base level, Limitless is an innate technique which is derived from the Gojo family. This technique grants its users nigh-absolute control over space through cursed energy manipulation at an atomic level, resulting in multiple subsequent results and techniques within the overall ability. With the manipulation of space as just the base level of the technique, Limitless has three standard and one "non-standard" form beyond this.
Infinity (無限, Mugen?): Being the neutral form of the Limitless, the Infinity is commonly known as the ability to stop, although this is a common misconception as the true power of the Infinity is to slow things down. When something attempts to hit Satoru, the person or object in question instead hits the infinity between himself and them. According to Satoru, this is the convergence of an infinite series and comes straight from the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise. Akin to the way Achilles will never catch the tortoise due to the potential, infinite amounts of finite space separating them or how the real number one will never touch the real number two due to the infinite amount of fractions that separate them, the opponent will never touch Satoru due to the infinity between them. Satoru can decide what does and doesn't touch him and can do so based upon mass, speed, and danger ratings.   
Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue (術式順転「蒼」, Jutsushiki Junten・Ao?): The reinforced version of the neutral limitless; Blue is the byproduct of Gojo amplifying the Limitless and negative energy, producing a vacuum. Through these, Gojo creates a scenario where the world itself is forced to correct itself and fill in the negative space, causing all matter in the range of the commanded space to be pulled together.   
Cursed Technique Lapse - Maximum Cursed Energy Output: Blue (術式順転出力最大「蒼」, Jutsushiki Junten Shutsuryoku Saidai・Ao?): Satoru creates a center of gravity in a specific space capable of attracting all matter, crushing it all effortlessly akin to a black hole. He can also move the point of gravity at will, augmenting its destructive capabilities greatly.   
Cursed Technique Lapse Maximum
Cursed Technique Reversal: Red (術式反転「赫」, Jutsushiki Hanten・Aka?)[6]: Being an inversion of Blue, Red has the opposite effect. Using his reversal technique to invert the properties of Blue, Satoru activates the divergence of his infinity and causes an extremely powerful repulsive force, repelling all matter in its vicinity. Being an ability that is powered by positive cursed energy and formed as a reverse curse technique, the ability has two times the destructive ability of Blue.[7]   
Hollow Technique: Purple (虚式「茈」, Kyoshiki・Murasaki?): A non-standard technique of Limitless more potent and destructive than the 2 standard forms that only select few know about, even among the members of the Gojo Family. Satoru snaps his fingers, combining "Blue" (attraction) and "Red" (repulsion), generating a long-ranged singularity where both effects are combined, deleting and erasing all matter in its path instantaneously.   
Curtain (帳, Tobari?): Gojo can create a barrier that surrounds a certain area. The barrier can seal the area off from other people or a specific person wanting to get in.
Unlimited Void (無量空処, Muryōkūsho?)[8]: Gojo's Domain Expansion. It creates a metaphysical space that causes the victims to receive all kinds of stimuli and information endlessly, restraining their thought processes and actions. [9] Gojo's control over his Domain is so precise that he can activate it in only 0.2 seconds, limiting its lasting effect on those he traps within it.[10] Those he makes physical contact with are also immune to its effect.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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