Chapter Two: Smoke

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*Picture above is of Liam*

(Chapter One is in Jamie's POV, same with this chapter.)


I don't know how long I stare at my new room. I don't know why the first thing I do is test out how soft the bed is. However, I do know that Liam was standing in the doorframe while I did so; well, not until after I flopped on the bed. He's standing there with a cigaret in his mouth and I lighter in his hand, and he takes in a big puff after it is lit. 

"Could you please put the cigaret away?" I say with as much politeness as I could gather.

He releases the smoke into the air, causing me to cough and have trouble breathing. He knows that I have asthma. Looking at me, he says, "This is my house so I can do whatever the hell I want."

After I could finally breathe again, I replied with "Actually, it's your dad's and I don't think he would approve of you smoking since smoking is bad for your health." And that my mom is pregnant. I mentally add.

He shrugs, "Whatever, the point is that you are not in charge of me because I-"

"Can do whatever the hell you want." I interrupt, "I heard you the first time." I walk over to where my bags are and take them over to the bed. I'm starting to think that Liam isn't all that bright; he must've gotten it from his mom's side because there is no way that Nigel is as dumb as Liam is. Or maybe Liam is the way he is because all that smoke goes to his brain instead of his lungs, causing him to think slower than he once did. "All I am asking is that you don't smoke around me or my mom. Please."

"I can-"

"Oh, shut up." I tell him, "That's the third time where going to say that sentence. I get it, you're doing you, great! Just don't "do you" around me. Kapeesh kaposh?" Liam looks at me like I grew another head, and then that look morphs into anger.

"Don't tell me to shut up!" He yells, "No on tells me what to do and those who do end up regretting it." He turns and walks out the door, but not before saying, "So watch your back, Mitchell."

That was the first time anyone has called me by my last name instead of my first. I take in a few deep breaths to calm down, something I heard helps with managing your anger but I'm not sure it really helps. Eventually I do calm down. It took loner then I would have liked but I did, and I went downstairs to where mom and Nigel are in the living room talking about the wedding. Part of me wants to tell Nigel about Liams threat but I decide against it. Nothing good will come from it anyways.

"Hey Jamie," Nigel said, "Your mom and I were thinking about going on a date. Would it be okay with you if we left you here with Liam?"

"No!" I wanted to scream, "Please no, for the love of humanity don't leave us alone together!" But I decide on a less dramatic route and responded with, "Sure." instead. I don't plan on being near Liam anyways.

Mom stands up and gives me a hug. "Thank you so much, honey." She says.

I don't respond. I just simply watch as they gather their things and walk out the door. "Oh," Nigel says, turning to look at me before he closes the door, "Don't let Liam leave this house. He's currently grounded."

"Roger that." I say and he walks out the door. I grab the remote and flop onto the couch while scrolling through Netflix. Liam came down a short while afterwards while I was watching The Office and out of the corner of my eyes I see him grab his car keys. "You can't go anywhere." I tell hime. He freezes. "Grounded, remember?"

"How do you know that? I could have been ungrounded yesterday."

I shake my head, still not bothering to look at him. "I only know what Nigel told me." I crane my neck to look at him and smile while I say, "So you're still grounded."

He glares at me and gives me the bird before walking out the door. Usually I'd mad but then the fact of Liam getting in to more trouble and that thought was enough to make me giggle. So instead of chasing after him I just sit on the couch and continue watching The Office.

 A/N- Pardon any spelling or grammar errors and may I just say that you are awesome for continuing to read this story

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 A/N- Pardon any spelling or grammar errors and may I just say that you are awesome for continuing to read this story. I know it might not be one of the greatest so thank you.

*Brings hands together* Back to business, if you liked this book then vote and leave a comment so I'll know to update and if you haven't already go to my profile and check out my other books Upside Downside and Bloody Secrets. Also, don't forget to click that follow button so you will receive notifications for when I update a story. 

You guys are are amazing and I love you so much. Byeee!!<3<3<3<3

(Word Count: 887 words)

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