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"An eye, what else would it be?....... Im a demon"said Metro

"What? How come you've never told us?"said Y/n

"I thought you guys would leave me behind, boy was I wrong, guess I didn't get to know you long enough"said Metro

"Clearly and how do you even know these two?"said Y/n

"It's a long story so I'll make it short, imagine a human and a demon.... Uhm...... making love and I flop out of the flaps and raised by my mother and I swear I saw her dead corpse with a demon next to it, I felt something grow out of my back, I saw black tentacles flailing everywhere, hurting the demons and stabbing them with their sharp ends but a demon got a hold of me and used a drug to make me sleep, well at least that's what I think, then I woke up in a demons arms, Sonju killed them and took me in and that's when I met Mujika, I learnt how to talk and was taught right from wrong, when I was two years old I was rather interested in humans, so I told Sonju I wanted to go on adventures, he allowed it and I went to the farms to observe humans and then I was caught and put into the farm, why? Because they wanted to study me, not just by my blood but by my actions and how I behaved, they were surprised how human-like I was, once they were done with tests they gave me two choices, it was to either leave or stay, I had to keep observing humans, they were just too interesting to just leave behind so I stayed, the reason I never told you this was because they said someone would be listening and I would be dead so I stayed quiet and I guess it was Ray, which was great for them"said Metro

"But why didn't you tell Ray when we figured it out"said Y/n

"I thought that you'd all leave me"said Metro

"What about the demons we faced?"said Emma

"I can't use my powers while running, also it requires an incredible amount of energy, something I didn't have when the pursuers came, thank god Sonju saved me just in time"said Metro

"I should have known that you liked living on the edge"said Sonju

"Yup and this whole demon thing fucks up the way I age"said Metro

"How so?"said Y/n

"By the time I'm twelve it will take me fifty eight years to become thirteen in human years"said Metro

"Why?"said Emma

"Think of it as a demon hitting puberty, once I'm twelve I will hit puberty and take fifty eight years for me to turn thirteen in your years"said Metro

"Wait so that's puberty for demons?"said Y/n

"No I'm just using it as an example but I guess you could call it that"said Metro

"Does that happen with all demons?"said Emma

"No, it only happens when your mixed and it's rare finding a demon like this since it's illegal to have sexual interactions with a human"said Sonju

"This may sound wrong but why is this law enforced?"said Y/n

"Well..... it's because the last mixed demon was out of control and killed twenty percent of the demon population, eventually it was found and killed in the most brutal way possible"said Mujika

"TWENTY PERCENT!?"yelled Emma

"And it was only an infant"said Mujika

"Wait so if it was only an infant and Metros, nearly in his teenage life, how dangerous is he?"said Y/n

"Why would you ask that?"said Metro

"I don't know, just thought there would be an interesting answer"said Y/n

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